Mary, the earth mother of Jesus, is one of the most beloved of the many figures in Jesus life. The Urantia Book reveals Mary to be a conscientious, loving, and totally devoted mother to her "child of promise." We learn of Mary's personality, her lineage, and her education; we learn the dates and names of all the children who she brought into the world as Jesus' siblings. We see Mary as a mother not at all unlike any other mother, and we are told that Mary, in spite of the cult of worship that bears her name, was a fairly ordinary woman, but an ordinary woman called to perform extraordinary service to our planet and our universe. And she performed her duty as a mother with exemplary attention, and great mother-love. The life she shared with Joseph, Jesus, and his siblings was an inspiration in Jesus' time, and is presented anew within the pages of The Urantia Book as a testament to love, and an inspiration for the times in which we now live. Please click on any of the links to expand the story; and for the most complete understanding of Mary, set against the backdrop of the Earth mission of the Son of man, Son of God, please read Part IV of The Urantia Book.
- About Mary
- The Courtship and Marriage of Joseph and Mary
- Why Was Mary Chosen To Be Jesus' Mother?
- Gabriel Appears To Mary
- Mary Travels To Bethlehem With Joseph For The Census
- Events Of Jesus' Birth
- Mary, Devoted Mother Of The Infant Child of Promise
- Mary And Joseph Return To Nazareth From Alexandria
- Did Jesus Have Siblings? About The Rest Of Jesus' Family
- Mary Continues To Be An Influence On Jesus
- Mary Is Conflicted About Jesus' Growing Self-Consciousness
- Events Of The Family Trip To Jerusalem For Passover
- Mary Finds Jesus In The Temple
- Mary Loses Her Husband, Joseph; Poverty Looms For the Nazareth Family
- Mary Relies On Jesus As Head-Of-Household
- Mary's Hopes And Fears Increase As Jesus Grows To Manhood
- Mary And The Wedding At Cana
- Difficulties In The Family
- Hurt Feelings And Missed Meetings
- Mary At The Crucifixion