July 27, 2024

Multnomah Falls, Oregon by Don Paulson

Sacred Living

“All things are sacred in the lives of those who are spirit led.”

The Urantia Book(155:6.11)

Five steps to lasting world peace

5 Steps to Lasting World Peace

Click HERE to Watch Video. How can we achieve lasting world peace when there is war and destruction in the world? According to The Urantia Book, creating world peace is achievable if we follow the 5 steps in this video.

See more about prayer HERE

Funny and inspiring stories

What Is The Urantia Book?

The Urantia Book includes the origin, history, and destiny of humanity. It answers questions about God, life in the inhabited universe, science, astronomy, the history and future of this world, Adam and Eve, and it includes an uplifting and greatly expanded narrative of the life and teachings of Jesus. This narrative of Jesus’ life is sourced from spiritual beings who were present during Jesus’ life and who have preserved these records for presentation in The Urantia Book and in our modern times.

The Urantia Book describes an endless destiny for humankind, teaching that living faith is the key to personal spiritual progress and eternal survival as an immortal being.

Urantia (pronounced: you ran chah) is the universe name for Earth. The word Urantia translates to “your place in the universe.” Urantia is the sentimental shrine of all Nebadon (the name of our universe). Urantia is but one planet of ten million inhabitable worlds and is the mortal home of Christ Michael (Jesus of Nazareth), sovereign creator and ruler of all we see.Read More.

Urantia Book Teachings

The New Life of Spiritual Liberty

The acceptance of the gospel of the kingdom, Jesus declared, would liberate man from the agelong bondage of animal fear and at the same time enrich human living with seven endowments of the new life of spiritual liberty. See the seven gifts here

The Urantia Book

Click the image to hear readers talk about life after death

Read Book Reviews:
A book to change your life

“This book really changed my thinking and beliefs and got me in touch with myself. The Jesus papers were the best for it shows a way of being and why he came here. To show God’s love and mercy. I felt I really knew him.”
Read More Reviews and Buy the Book


Jesus Teaches about Liberty

If one man craves freedom —liberty—he must remember that all other men long for the same freedom. Groups of such liberty-loving mortals cannot live together in peace without becoming subservient to such laws, rules, and regulations as will grant each person the same degree of freedom.Read more…

Statue of Liberty
The Untold Story of Jesus - Paperback

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