Do the Laws of Physics & Neuroscience Disprove Free Will?


Many have argued that free will is in illusion, but science does not support that.
Are we free to make our own choices, or are we automatons controlled by some mysterious conductor? Until recently, a debate raged in neuroscience circles concerning this very question because an experiment showed that the brain decides before we are aware of it. Fortunately, the experiment was recently debunked, leaving us to face the hard reality that we must be responsible for our actions. Read More
Free will is a reality in the universe, from the freewillness of the Universal Father down to mortals like us. Read Urantia Book teachings about free will HERE

Top Ten Discoveries Related to Jesus

The Galilee Boat, Synagogues, Pool of Siloam, the Pilate Stone and the Heel Bone of the Crucified Man are among the ten most important archeological discoveries. Find out what is #1.

The Urantia Book references both the Galileen boats and Siloam: “Jesus became well known to the Galilean fisherfolk as the designer of the new boats.” Read MoreGo, my son, wash away this clay in the pool of Siloam, and immediately you shall receive your sight.” And when Josiah had so washed in the pool of Siloam” Read More 

Alone in the universe? Not a chance.

By MaryJo – A Pilgrim Ponders

Are we alone in the universe? Of course not! Any Urantia Book reader can tell you that the cosmology of The Urantia Book presents a universe that is “teeming” with life. This article in Evolution News: Are We Alone in the Cosmos? Here’s a Real Paradox for You, explores this topic with emphasis on the concept of intelligent design, and most especially the idea that if we are not alone, why we do not have any contact with other life in the universe. It is an interesting article; it might be a little technical, but I think we can all appreciate the ideas presented. We’ll blog on these fascinating ideas below, but first:

“Astrophysicist Ethan Siegel writing at Forbes delivers a bracing chastisement to seemingly scientific efforts to estimate the probability of extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI) in the cosmos. The case in point is a preprint paper by Sandberg, Drexler, and Ord of the Future of Humanity Institute, Oxford University, claiming to “dissolve the Fermi paradox.”

“The Fermi paradox represents the problem of why ETI ought to be abundant yet gives no sign of itself.”

“The probability of the origin of life without design or guidance is not unknown.

Of Asteroids and Exomoons

By Maryjo

The search for scientific knowledge continues…and some of it is turning out to validate Urantia Book teachings. Little by little, science is catching up to what Urantia Book students have known for a long time. Today we want to share two such findings.

These two articles: Found! Weird Asteroid in Jupiter’s Orbit Is 1st Interstellar Immigrant by Mike Wall – and – The Moons of Some Giant Alien Planets Could Host Life by Chelsea Gohd, both from report the results of research recently finished. We’ll blog about these below, but first, here are the pertinent findings from the articles:

About the “weird asteroid” and its relation to retrograde motion:

2015 BZ509 was discovered in November 2014, also by Pan-STARRS (which is short for “Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System,” in case you were wondering). The space rock is an oddball: Its orbit is “retrograde,” meaning 2015 BZ509 moves around the sun in the opposite direction of Jupiter, Earth and most other bodies in the solar system.

And about life on exomoons:

No exomoons have yet been confirmed. But if any of those huge exoplanets have natural satellites — which seems likely, given how common moons are in our own solar system — they could be especially promising abodes for life, study team members said.