When Did Humans First Speak?

Estimates range wildly, from as late as 50,000 years ago to as early as the beginning of the human genus more than 2 million years ago. But words leave no traces in the archaeological record. A team led by Thomas Morgan, a psychologist at the University of California, Berkeley, has attacked the problem in a very different way. Rather than considering toolmaking as a proxy for language ability, he and his colleagues explored the way that language may help modern humans learn to make such tools. Read More
The Urantia Book teaches about language: Before the extensive dispersion of the Andonic clans a well-developed language had evolved from their early efforts to intercommunicate. This language continued to grow, and almost daily additions were made to it because of the new inventions and adaptations to environment which were developed by these active, restless, and curious people.” Read More

Also consider our Topical Study on Language

Fourteen Discoveries About Human Evolution in 2022

Smithsonian paleoanthropologists reveal the year’s most riveting findings about our close relatives and ancestors. Read Findings.

The Urantia Book says” “From man’s use of fire, to our history with dogs, and the human-Neanderthal link…this Smithsonian article has something for everyone who grasps the importance of evolution and the scientific discovery that helps us to understand it even better.”  Read Truthbook’s Topical Study on Evolution

5 ‘Elastic’ New Year’s Resolutions

An article in Time recommends that the best resolutions are elastic—they cannot be broken with a single act. If you swear never to touch red meat, one burger ruins the resolution. If, on the other hand, you pledge to eat healthier food, each day you have a chance to fulfill the resolution anew. Here are five elastic spiritual resolutions that can carry you throughout the year. Read More

Why we celebrate Christmas

Why Urantia Book Readers Celebrate Christmas?

According to The Urantia Book’s complete life of Jesus, the saviour was actually born in August. So why do readers celebrate this holiday?

At Truthbook.com, we celebrate Jesus daily. Even though our site is dedicated to the total teachings of The Urantia Book, the Life and Teachings of Jesus are our main focus. Until the teachings of the Urantia revelation begin to seep into the consciousness of the world, we will continue to celebrate this traditional date for Jesus’ birth. Most Urantia Book readers are most interested in joining all the glad voices who honor and worship the babe of Bethlehem.  Read More

Last Minute Gift for Jesus Lovers

Lost for a gift idea? There is still time to order a beautifully illustrated book entitled, The Untold Story of Jesus. It features the complete life story of Jesus including paintings and maps never before available. Take a closer look and consider buying it now on Amazon

The Brain After 40

Gathered evidence suggests that in the fifth decade of life (that is, after a person turns 40), the brain starts to undergo a radical “rewiring” that results in diverse networks becoming more integrated and connected over the ensuing decades, with accompanying effects on cognition.”   Read More

On the evolutionary worlds, will creatures traverse three general developmental stages of being: From the arrival of the Adjuster to comparative full growth, about twenty years of age on Urantia, the Monitors are sometimes designated Thought Changers. From this time to the attainment of the age of discretion, about forty years, the Mystery Monitors are called Thought Adjusters. From the attainment of discretion [40 years] to deliverance from the flesh, they are often referred to as Thought Controllers. Is there a connection? Certainly this is an interesting coincidence. Read More.

Gratitude – The Ultimate Spiritual Practice

According to an article in Forbes, gratitude is the act of feeling and communicating appreciation for the people, circumstances and material possessions in our lives. Scientifically, the positive effects of gratitude have been proven for a variety of purposes. For example, in his book The Upward Spiral: Using Neuroscience to Reverse the Course of Depression, One Small Change at a Time, Alex Korb, PhD, talks about how gratitude boosts the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin and the hormone oxytocin, all associated with wellbeing and having a positive outlook on life. Read More


Chances of Living on the Moon Just Got Better

According to a report on NPR, parts of the moon have stable temperatures fit for humans. The moon has pits and caves where temperatures stay at roughly 63 degrees Fahrenheit, making human habitation a possibility, according to new research from planetary scientists at the University of California, Los Angeles. Although much of the moon’s surface fluctuates from temperatures as high as 260 degrees during the day to as low as 280 degrees below zero at night, researchers say these stable spots could transform the future of lunar exploration and long-term habitation. Read More

The Urantia Book says, “Not all planets are suited to harbor mortal life. Small ones having a high rate of axial revolution are wholly unsuited for life habitats. Many of these enormous spheres have satellites, sometimes a half dozen or more, and these moons are often in size very near that of Urantia, so that they are almost ideal for habitation.” Read More

Praying for the Dead at Halloween

Halloween had its primary origin in an ancient Celtic festival to remember the dead called “Samhain.” When the Celts converted to Christianity, they changed the pagan celebration into a Christian holy day called ‘All-hallows’, which translates to ‘All Saints’. This eventually became Halloween.

During this time of dressing in costume and festivals, the memory of those who have died often leads to prayer as we remember those we love and our hopes for the afterlife. It is never a bad idea to pray for our departed loved ones…if nothing else, prayers for the dead keep our loved ones alive in our memory and our heart. Prayer is always a good idea. Read More 

The Urantia Book offers no sense of “doom” associated with death and the sleeping survivors. It says: “The passing of time is of no moment to sleeping mortals; they are wholly unconscious and oblivious to the length of their rest. On reassembly of personality at the end of an age, those who have slept five thousand years will react no differently than those who have rested five days. Aside from this time delay these survivors pass on through the ascension regime identically with those who avoid the longer or shorter sleep of death.”

Astronomers Detect Radio Signal In Far Away Galaxy

According to CBS News, astronomers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and universities in Canada and the U.S. say they have detected a radio signal from a far-away galaxy that is flashing repetitively. Could these signals come from vast galaxies of universes in the outer space levels?  Read More.

The Urantia Book says, “You have been instructed to a certain extent about the organization and personnel of the central universe, the superuniverses, and the local universes; you have been told something about the character and origin of some of the various personalities who now rule these far-flung creations. You have also been informed that there are in process of organization vast galaxies of universes far out beyond the periphery of the grand universe, in the first outer space level. Read More