Listen to An Anthem of Hope

Koolulam is a social musical movement for people around the world to participate in mass singing. This video is an example of one such video in three languages.
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Ditch Depressing New Year’s Resolutions…Do This Instead

An article from Forbes believes that the psychology behind New Year’s resolutions is faulty. Resolutions can’t lead to sustainable behavior change because they are not constructed in a way that harnesses motivation and turns it into action and change. Read More

The Urantia Book agrees, The weak indulge in resolutions, but the strong act. Life is but a day’s work—do it well. The act is ours; the consequences God’s.”  Read More 



Giving Loved Ones The Untold Story of Jesus

CLICK HERE and watch the video above. It will give you a good idea of what to expect from this beautiful book, making it a wonderful gift idea for this holiday season. Happy Holidays!

30 Best Thanksgiving Prayers

Make the Thanksgiving Day more meaningful. Everyone knows that the stars of turkey day are the delicious recipes spread across the table. Granted, they truly are something to be, well, thankful for! But if you’re like us, the gratitude doesn’t end there.  Read More

Also Read “Prayers in The Urantia Book”

There’s No Going Back Now! James Webb Update

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James Webb Telescope finds a Primordial Galaxy as Old as the Universe! NASA just accepted they found the most distant structure In the Universe last year using James Webb Space Telescope.

The Urantia Book says, “No matter how far back we go, we’ll always encounter the mystery of God and order in his creation:Early in the materialization of the universal creation the sevenfold scheme of the superuniverse organization and government was formulated. The present scheme of administration has existed from near eternity, and the rulers of these seven superuniverses are rightly called Ancients of Days. Read More.   Read about the Ancients of Days

Day of the Dead (Dia De Los Muertos)

Day of the Dead combines the ancient Aztec custom of celebrating ancestors with All Souls’ Day, a holiday that Spanish invaders brought to Mexico starting in the early 1500s. Read More

Truthbook answers many questions about death from our visitors HERE and also offers several highly viewed videos on the subject HERE

James Webb: Saturn’s Rings Steal Show

The James Webb Space Telescope has observed Saturn for the first time, completing a family portrait of the Solar System’s ringed planets. See & Read More

The Urantia Book says: Matter in all universes, excepting in the central universe, is identical. Matter in its physical properties depends on the revolutionary rates of its component members, the number and size of the revolving members, their distance from the nuclear body or the space content of matter, as well as on the presence of certain forces as yet undiscovered on Urantia.”  Read More

Truthbook’s NEW Inspiring Video Collection

Watch the video above CLICK HERE. It has been viewed by over 30 Million Folks. By popular demand, we have collected our most viewed videos on topics ranging from astronomy, holidays, the life of Jesus, God, life and death, love and many more. Millions of folks have viewed these videos so you are sure to find at least a few that will inspire you too!. Take a Look at the Collections HERE

Why Won’t the Myth of Atlantis Die?

Watch the Video  The lack of evidence for its existence hasn’t stopped people from hunting for it. A National Geographic video says Atlantis is the stuff of modern fare like Journey to the Center of the Earth and the recent Netflix series Ancient Apocalypse. The story is the brainchild of the Greek philosopher Plato, who featured the island in two of his Socratic dialogues from the fourth century B.C.”

Robert Sarmast says: “This “brainchild” of Plato just happens to parallel in many respects the description of the Garden of Eden in The Urantia Book.” Watch The Video from Robert Sarmast that pinpoints the location of the first Garden of Eden. In it, Robert relates his experiences over a period of ten-plus years, looking for Atlantis/Eden on the seafloor of the Mediterranean Ocean in his expeditions. With the latest underwater maps, he states with confidence that he has found it. Enjoy this video, complete with Urantia Book passages that corroborate his proof.

20 Amazing Facts About Space & Astronomy

What do lemons and raspberries have to do with space, just how dense is a neutron star and how powerful is a gamma-ray burst? Space is vast, and filled with weird and wonderful things. Some of the bizarre inhabitants and phenomena of our Universe are more astounding than even the most extreme sci-fi or space movie.

This selection of some of the most mind-boggling facts about our cosmos takes a bite-sized look at our intriguing planet, Moon, Solar System, Galaxy and Universe. Read More

The Urantia Book says: ‘… the frank, honest, and fearless search for true causes gave birth to modern science: It turned astrology into astronomy, alchemy into chemistry, and magic into medicine.Read More