Angels Are Real. Learn Types & What They Do.

Angels are Real

Angels are a very important part of our spiritual life. The Urantia Book states unequivocally that they are real and there are many types such as archangels, guardian angels, and seraphim. They are part of the vast hosts of personal beings spanning the personality range between the Infinite God and humankind. TruthBook provides definitive information on these unseen ministers who inhabit and help manage what you see through the Hubble telescope.

Guides, teachers, and protectors. Only the pure spirit fragment of the Universal Father that dwells within the heart of each person comes in closer spiritual contact with humans.

Some Questions about Angels?

How fast can angels fly?
The fifth group of supervisor seraphim operate as personality transporters, carrying beings to and from the headquarters of the constellations. Such transport seraphim, while in flight from one sphere to another, are fully conscious of their velocity…Read more

What are the names of the angels?
Thanks to the Bible, we’re familiar with the names Michael, Gabriel, Immanuel, Lucifer, and Satan for example. The Bible calls these beings angels of the Lord. The Urantia Book explains that these beings are not angels. Their actual titles, according…Read more

Are the angels militaristic?
You may find this description a sort of “cataloging in military form, ” and I guess it is that, but to me, it is a really interesting way to tell us how the legions of angels are arranged. And, these angels have to be arranged some way. There are so many…Read more