As the supernaphim in the central universe and the seconaphim in a superuniverse, so the seraphim, with the associated cherubim and sanobim, constitute the angelic corps of a local universe. ~ The Urantia Book, (38:0.2)
Cherubim and sanobim are inherently associated, functionally united. One is an energy positive personality; the other, energy negative. ~ The Urantia Book, (38:7.2)
The individual members of the angelic orders are not altogether stationary as to personal status in the universe. Angels of certain orders may become Paradise Companions for a season; some become Celestial Recorders; others ascend to the ranks of the Technical Advisers. Certain of the cherubim may aspire to seraphic status and destiny, while evolutionary seraphim can achieve the spiritual levels of the ascending Sons of God. ~ The Urantia Book, (26:1.3)
The Ministering Spirits of the Local Universes embrace the seraphim and their assistants, the cherubim. With these offspring of a Universe Mother Spirit mortal ascenders have initial contact. ~ The Urantia Book, (26:1.6)
The Mansion World Teachers are recruited and glorified cherubim. ~ The Urantia Book, (37:7.1)
In all essential endowments cherubim and sanobim are similar to seraphim. They have the same origin but not always the same destiny. They are wonderfully intelligent, marvelously efficient, touchingly affectionate, and almost human. They are the lowest order of angels, hence all the nearer of kin to the more progressive types of human beings on the evolutionary worlds. ~ The Urantia Book, (38:7.1)
Cherubim and sanobim are the faithful and efficient aids of the seraphic ministers, and all seven orders of seraphim are provided with these subordinate assistants. ~ The Urantia Book, (38:7.3)
Such children of the local universe are enabled to repossess themselves of much of their former human memory experience through having it retold by the associated seraphim and cherubim and by consulting the records of the mortal career filed by the recording angels. ~ The Urantia Book, (40:9.5)
For purposes of rest and recharging with the life energy of the universe circuits, the guardian is periodically relieved by her complement, and during her absence the associated cherubim functions as the recorder, as is also the case when the complemental seraphim is similarly absent. ~ The Urantia Book, (113:2.10)