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The Urantia Book

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1,465 five-star ratings

“This book is literally a life changer.”

“Recasts Jesus into the guide for seekers of all faiths and all walks of life.”

Questions About The Urantia Book

Is The Urantia Book Infallible?

The Urantia Book is a book of information about a great number of things, but primary among those things is its teachings about religion and its revelations about God. Its teachings present only God as infallible, the indwelling adjuster as infallible; nowhere in the book is a claim made that it, in itself, is infallible….. Read More Here

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Urantia Book Reviews

How People Rate The Urantia Book

 4.03 Star avg rating — 1,129 ratings

4.4 Star avg rating – 1,677 ratings

4.6 star avg rating – 37 ratings

From Amazon: “As a person of science, I am amazed at the accuracy and complexity of the Urantia Book. Roughly one million words, it is daunting and detailed. The writing is a gift to us all regardless of the origin. It has changed my life in a profound way. I no longer fear leaving this planet. The future is amazing and love based.”

