New Obelisk ‘Lifeform’ Is Hiding Inside Humans


Stanford University researchers have discovered virus-like ‘lifeforms’ that exist inside human mouths and guts.Smaller than a virus and not considered standard life, the genetic material can still transfer information that can be read by a cell. “We had no idea these things existed, and we certainly aren’t certain yet what they do.” Read More

The Urantia Book says, “The bacteria, simple vegetable organisms of a very primitive nature, are very little changed from the early dawn of life; they even exhibit a degree of retrogression in their parasitic behavior. Many of the fungi also represent a retrograde movement in evolution, being plants which have lost their chlorophyll-making ability and have become more or less parasitic. The majority of disease-causing bacteria and their auxiliary virus bodies really belong to this group of renegade parasitic fungi. During the intervening ages all of the vast kingdom of plant life has evolved from ancestors from which the bacteria have also descended.” Read More