Q: How can I change my life richer?

A:  Thank you for your note to Truthbook.

It may be that you are not a native English-speaking person, so I am going to have to guess at the exact meaning of your question here…

You ask how you can change your life so that it is richer…? That could mean richer in a material sense, as in money or possessions, or it could mean richer in a spiritual sense. I will assume it is the latter—that you want to know how to make your spiritual life richer. I cannot give any advice to make your material life richer…

First, be encouraged to know that God lives within your mind , and that he is approachable in your thoughts. This is a powerful part of the revelation of The Urantia Book . God is your spirit Father, and he loves you with the affectionate love of a Father. This knowledge will help you to feel free to communicate with that most innermost part of yourself through quiet times of meditation and prayer. God hears our prayers, and if your aim is to enrich your inner spiritual life, you will be rewarded by an increased sense of peace and connection if you make the effort to reach up to God. As you reach up in your thoughts and prayers, God will reach down to meet you where you are and as you are. Share your inner life with God. Memorized words are not necessary…God answers the attitude of your soul.

Become interested in the people in your life—cultivate a friendly attitude towards all, and learn to love people, even with all their faults, for that is how God loves you. Know that God dwells within everyone else, too, and that makes all people your brothers and sisters. Learn to look for the beautiful in life, and cultivate the fruits of the Spirit.

From The Urantia Book:

(193:2.2) “Salvation is the free gift of God, but those who are born of the spirit will immediately begin to show forth the fruits of the spirit in loving service to their fellow creatures. And the fruits of the divine spirit which are yielded in the lives of spirit-born and God-knowing mortals are: loving service, unselfish devotion, courageous loyalty, sincere fairness, enlightened honesty, undying hope, confiding trust, merciful ministry, unfailing goodness, forgiving tolerance, and enduring peace

Know that you are part of a divine plan that promises you eternal life. This eternal life is yours by a simple act of acceptance of your status as a child of God.

To gain the most inspiration for improving and enriching your life in all ways, I recommend reading The Urantia Book. For starters, please feel free to subscribe to our free Quote of the Day service, which will deliver an inspirational message to you daily. Each quote will have a link to the text of The Urantia Book, which will enlarge your understanding.

And come back often. The Urantia Book is available to read on our site, and you can listen as well. We have a top-notch search engine at the top-right of this and every page, as well as many other features to help you on your spiritual path.”

Thanks again for writing, and best wishes…

:: Date published: 2014-05-22 14:39:40.14
:: Author: Truthbook Staff