- Why did God not listen to my prayers?
- Are near-death experiences real?
- I have so much remorse and regret in my heart. How can I forgive myself?
- Can I have a personal relationship with Mother Spirit like I have with God or Jesus?
- Why does God give us animals to love if we can’t be with them in eternity?
- Cars in heaven?
- If someone is born again and dies in their sins will they still be saved??
- I am thinking of buying The Urantia Book for some friends. Is that a good idea?
- Can reincarnation explain the suffering and inequities of life?
- Can people choose when they are born on Urantia?
- Please give an example what this means: “It is not so important to love all men today as it is that each day you learn to love one more human being.”
- What makes the Soul Grow?
- What did Jesus teach about anxiety and depression?
- What if a person chooses not to believe in God? Does that alone make them a sinner and therefore not be allowed to go on after death?
- Please help me understand if we were all cursed to sin how will we ever please God? Do we have to die first to become a born again Christian?
- How do I truly repent even when I feel lost, I have been saved since I was 12 but I still feel lost, how do I repent, in what way are you suppose to repent as a Christian/Urantian?
- Why is there so much negativity in my life?
- Will there ever be a cure for all diseases?
- I’m frightened by the turn toward nativism and near-fascism that’s happening in the U.S. and around the world. Why is it happening? What should be my attitude toward this evil?
- In what way is transgender a deterrent to Christianity? What is the motive or purpose of a transgender?
- How can I be born again?
- How did sex become sinful?
- Why is Nibiru (so called Planet X) is in our solar system and what is going to happen when it aligns this year with our planets? And why do we have a second sun?
- What should be our attitude about climate change, and what responsibility do we have for preserving the planet?
- What does Urantia/Jesus say about homosexuality?
- I would like to know what Urantia Book says about praying in tongues?
- Can angels save us from physical harm?
- Is divorce a sin? I didn’t want to get divorced but he forced it on me, due to a 3rd party. What effect will this have on my life ahead and my children’s lives? Can I marry again?