



The Urantia Book, @@quote_link@@

In Joseph’s woodshop by Michael Malm

Jesus Came to Put Love in Place of Fear

Discover the birth of Jesus and the untold story of his complete childhood this Holiday season. Click here to read about The Untold Story of Jesus, now in both hardback and paperback. A wonderful and inspirational Christmas gift. Read Reviews and Buy

What Is The Urantia Book?

The Urantia Book includes the origin, history, and destiny of humanity. It answers questions about God, life in the inhabited universe, science, astronomy, the history and future of this world, Adam and Eve, and it includes an uplifting and greatly expanded narrative of the life and teachings of Jesus. This narrative of Jesus’ life is sourced from spiritual beings who were present during Jesus’ life and who have preserved these records for presentation in The Urantia Book and in our modern times.

The Urantia Book describes an endless destiny for humankind, teaching that living faith is the key to personal spiritual progress and eternal survival as an immortal being.

Urantia (pronounced: you ran chah) is the universe name for Earth. The word Urantia translates to “your place in the universe.” Urantia is the sentimental shrine of all Nebadon (the name of our universe). Urantia is but one planet of ten million inhabitable worlds and is the mortal home of Christ Michael (Jesus of Nazareth), sovereign creator and ruler of all we see.Read More.

Hearing From God

“It was not until I found The Urantia Book and learned of the amazing ministry of God to us mortals through the indwelling Thought Adjuster, that I naturally began to think of the implications of God’s presence in my mind. I read about the practice of Jesus when he would have a weighty problem; he would go off by himself and talk it over with God” Read More.
See “What Prayer Meant to Jesus” HERE

The Urantia Book

One Brave Stretch of Faith

And all this doom of darkness, and all this destiny of despair are forever dispelled by one brave stretch of faith on the part of the most humble and unlearned of God’s children on earth.” That was it! One brave stretch of faith was all it took. I stretched in that moment, and have never looked back..…  Read More

Do to Others That Which You Desire Others To Do To You

All of us are familiar with the “Golden Rule.” It is a word of advice that was also well-known even in Jesus’ time. When considered by people of “high ideals,” this old advice is elevated to a new and thrilling “Rule of Living” that can be successfully practiced by all people in every personal encounter.…Read more.

Behold Your Little Ones (detail) by Del Parson
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