In Joseph’s woodshop by Michael Malm

Jesus Came to Put Love in Place of Fear

Discover the birth of Jesus and the untold story of his complete childhood this Holiday season. Click here to read about The Untold Story of Jesus, now in both hardback and paperback. A wonderful and inspirational Christmas gift. Read Reviews and Buy

Life expectancy is increasing slower – Why?

Human life expectancy is increasing at a slower rate than it did in the 20th century, a new study of 10 wealthy countries hints. During the 20th century, improvements in public health and medicine resulted in “radical life extension” Have we reached our human limit? Read More

According The Urantia Book, human beings can look forward to a time when the limit of life expectancy will reach 500 years. It will be awhile, but it’s good to know that we are really only beginning to experience true longevity of life. 

The Urantia Book says, “Mortals all have the same general struggles with microscopic foes in their early days, such as you now experience on Urantia, though perhaps not so extensive. The length of life varies on the different planets from twenty-five years on the primitive worlds to near five hundred on the more advanced and older spheres.Read More