Universe scale by Terry KrugerEach world is refreshing, original, astonishingly different, and curiously wonderful. "Love of adventure, curiosity, and dread of monotony ... were not put there just to aggravate and annoy you during your short sojourn on earth, but rather to suggest to you that death is only the beginning of an endless career of adventure, an everlasting life of anticipation, an eternal voyage of discovery." 14:5.10 The Urantia Book

From Havona, we periodically visit Paradise

World by world, from the seventh circuit of Havona to the fifth circuit, we have increasingly felt the personal presence of the Universal Father, the creator and upholder of the heavens. Long ago, we achieved fusion with the Father's indwelling spirit. We have long since recognized the Father in his Creator Son, Michael. We have worshipped and prayed to the approachable Father while being comforted by His intelligent and loving ways.

As we advance from the fifth to the first Havona circuit under the instructions of angelic guides, we are granted passage to the sacred spheres of Paradise. Besides vacationing here, we are schooled in techniques which expand our insights to enable us to recognize the Father once we are in His presence.

Our final period of training is completed on the inner ring of the Havona worlds. From here, for the third and final time, we shall surrender consciousness and enjoy the relaxation of the ages. When awakened we are on Paradise.

We have emerged out of chaos to the gates of Paradise. Looking back over our long evolutionary struggle, we are acutely aware that our journey is nearing its end. Somehow, we even appreciate the uncertainty and trials of our days on earth. Our passage to Paradise has been earned. With the help of our Heavenly Father, great things have happened. We have been made perfect by our choices and steadfast dedication to be and to do that which is right.

The size of the universe is infinite yet the boundaries of the material universe are definable. In order to define size, we begin with Paradise. Paradise is the largest single body of matter in the universe. Its shape and composition are unlike anything else within the time space universe. It is beyond time and space and is actually not a part of the universe. So, to simplify our discussion, we shall leave Paradise out of our equations.

The universe is enormous. Some Urantia Book scholars have developed the following model to illustrate the size. First picture a tiny grain of sand and imagine it represents the size of Havona, the dark gravity bodies, and the seven superuniverses (seven trillion inhabitable planets ).

The grain of sand represents a distance of more than one million light years. Now suspend the tiny grain of sand inside a large orange. This would illustrate the relationship between Havona and the superuniverses within the first outer space level. Next, place the large orange inside a cubic swimming pool. That relationship approximately equals the difference between the first and second outer space level. Next, imagine the swimming pool inside a cube the size of a city block. This is the relative difference between the second and the third outer space level. Finally, imagine the city block inside a thirty-two mile cubic city, a city about the size of Paris. That would equal the difference in size between the third and fourth outer space levels.

The relationship between the inhabited and the uninhabited universe is similar to the size relationship between a tiny grain of sand and a cubic city the size of Paris.