There is life after death


Welcome to Jesusonian Foundation's online magazine, There is Life After Death. This publication was created as a synthesis of The Urantia Book's amazing teachings about what happens to the human soul upon the death of the physical body. The Urantia Book's account of life after death is uniquely detailed and comforting. It reveals a literal journey through time and space to the nuclear hub of creation, where resides the Father of Spirits, the first great source and center of all things and beings. It promises unequivocally that each human being is a beloved child of this perfect and loving Creator and that each is destined to make this journey back to the source of all that exists. It is indeed an account of an endless voyage of discovery that begins at the very moment of mortal death.


When you select Open the magazine, you will see an index of all the pages in this document. From there, you will be able to pick and choose any page of interest to you. However, we highly recommend that you begin with the Inside Cover page and progress sequentially through the document by clicking on the Turn the page function, which appears at the bottom of each individual page.

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