165:4.8 — "selfish gain'." changed to "selfish gain.' " in Uversa Press printings
166:3.4 — "Lord" changed to "Lord," in the third (1971) Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
167:4.3 — "second, or even the third, day" changed to "second or even the third day," comma removed in the eleventh (1993) Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
167:5.3 — "enamoured" changed to "enamored" in the tenth (1990) Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
168:0.2 — "Lazarus's" changed to "Lazarus' " in third (1971) printing; then changed back again in tenth (1990) Urantia Foundation printing
168:3.7 — "Bethpage" changed to "Bethphage" in the fourth Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
168:5.1 — "day" changed to "week" in the second Urantia Foundation printing
169:3.2 — "laid" changed to "lay" in the third (1971) Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
170:2.1 — "age-long" changed to "agelong" in Uversa Press printings
172:0.2 — "Bethpage" changed to "Bethphage" in fourth printing Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
172:1.2 — "Bethpage" changed to "Bethphage" in ninth printing Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
172:3.6 — "Bethpage" changed to "Bethphage" in fourth printing Urantia Foundation printing (3 instances) and in Uversa Press printing
172:3.6 — "If any one asks" changed to "If anyone asks" in Uversa Press printings
172:3.6 — "Bethpage" changed to "Bethphage" in fourth Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings (3 instances)
172:4.3 — "Bethpage" changed to "Bethphage" in fourth Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
172:5.2 — "associates whom he feared" changed to "associates who he feared " in the third (1971)Urantia Foundation printing and in prior Uversa Press printings
172:5.2 — "the twelve whom he knew" changed to "the twelve who he knew" in the third (1971) Urantia Foundation printing and in prior Uversa Press printings
173:1.3 — "ten cent piece" changed to " ten-cent piece" in Uversa Press printings
175:1.20 — "Him" changed to "him" in the third Urantia Foundation printing
176:3.4 — "except he who received" changed to " except him who received" in Uversa Press printings
176:4.1 — "bestowal, as" changed to "bestowal as" in the sixth (1978) Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
177:3.7 — "forego" changed to "forgo" The original 1955 text was changed in the second (1967) Urantia Foundation printing and in prior Uversa Press printings
177:4.1 — "10 o'clock" changed to "ten o'clock" in Uversa Press printings
177:4.9 — "Judas's" changed to "Judas' " in the third (1971) Urantia Foundation printing. It was changed back to "Judas's" in the eleventh (1993) printing.
177:5.2 — "others whom you think" changed to "others who you think" in the third (1971) Urantia Foundation printing and in prior Uversa Press printings
179:5.9 — "twelve" changed to "apostles" The original 1955 text was changed in the second (1967) Urantia Foundation printing
179:5.9 — "you shall all some time sup" changed to "you shall all sometime sup" in Uversa Press printings
180:3.1 — "faint-hearted" changed to "fainthearted" in Uversa Press printings
180:3.4 — "you shall some time ascend." changed to " you shall sometime ascend." in Uversa Press printings
182:2.5 — "Jerusalem and Bethsaida, Jesus, addressing him, said: "In all haste, go to" / "Jerusalem and Beth go to Abner" error occurred in Urantia Foundation second printing.
183:4.3 — "Bethpage" changed to "Bethphage" in the fourth Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
183:4.4 — "sent him in charge of a messenger" changed to " sent him in the charge of a messenger" in Uversa Press printings
184:3.1 — "law-breaking" changed to "lawbreaking" in the tenth (1990) Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
184:3.12 — " law-breaker" changed to "lawbreaker" in the tenth (1990) Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
186:3.2 — "Schechem" changed to "Shechem" The original 1955 text was changed in the second (1967) Urantia Foundation printing
186:5.5 — "universes, have existed " changed to " universes have existed " comma was removed in the second Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
187:6.2 — "women, in charge of Jude" changed to " women, in the charge of Jude" in Uversa Press printings
188:4.3 — "evildoing" changed to "evil-doing" in Uversa Press printings
188:4.5 — " toward evildoing—may" changed to "toward evil-doing—may" in Uversa Press printing
189:4.1 — "Bethpage" changed to "Bethphage" in the fourth Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
190:2.5 — "Bethpage" changed to "Bethphage" in the ninth Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
190:3.1 — "fainthearted" changed to "faint-hearted" in the tenth (1990) Urantia Foundation printing
190:3.3 — "any one claiming" changed to "anyone claiming" in Uversa Press printings
191:0.1 — "Bethpage" changed to "Bethphage" in the fourth Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
191:0.13 — "Bethpage" changed to "Bethphage" in the fourth Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings (2 instances)
191:5.3 — "far-away ascetics" changed to "faraway ascetics" in Uversa Press printings
191:6.1 — "believers, in Alexandria." changed to " believers in Alexandria." in Uversa Press printings
192:4.5 — "home-coming" changed to "homecoming" in the tenth (1990) Urantia Foundation printing
194:4.4 — "Being, by the right hand of God, exalted and" changed to "Being by the right hand of God exalted, and" in Uversa Press printings
195:3.10 — "Poutaenus" changed to "Pantaenus" in the second Urantia Foundation printing
195:6.1 — "in His name" changed to "in his name" in Uversa Press printings
196:3.32 — "Son's sons" changed to "Sons' sons" in the second Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
This document was compiled for www.truthbook.com by Larry Watkins and edited by MaryJo Garascia. The information is based on research previously conducted by Urantia Foundation, Uversa Press, Larry Watkins, David Kantor, Merritt Horn, and JJ Johnson
January 2008 Urantia Foundation's Original Editorial Policy: Quoting Dr. William Sadler:
"The Papers were published just as we received them. The Contact Commissioners had no editorial authority. Our job was limited to spelling, capitalization, and punctuation." The Declaration of Trust of Urantia Foundation specifies that the text is to be kept "inviolate". Following are the changes that have been made to the text of The Urantia Book since its first publication in 1955.
Editorial Policy Statement from the Publisher of the Uversa Press 2005 printing:
"The text of this edition exactly duplicates the 1955 first printing of The Urantia Book, excepting the corrections of spelling and grammar described in Appendix 1."
The original Urantia Foundation 1955 text is shown first followed by the words "changed to" followed by the changed wording.
RED = Both Uversa Press (prior and/or current printings) and Urantia Foundation
GREEN = Only Uversa Press changes, prior and/or current printings
BLUE = Only Urantia Foundation changes, prior and/or current printings
The Parts of the Book:
P. iii — "Corps of Superuniverse Personalities" changed to "corps of superuniverse personalities" and "Corps of Local Universe Personalities" changed to "corps of local universe personalities" Moved copyright information to page v in second and subsequent printings.The Titles of the Papers:
P. vii — The Titles of the Papers: the headings and the Foreword title were moved above "Part I" in the second (1967) and subsequent Urantia Foundation printings, and in the current Uversa Press printing.
P. xli - 97. EVOLUTION OF THE GOD CONCEPT AMONG THE HEBREWS; 9. Hebrew History; Ephriam changed to Ephraim in 5th printing
P. xlix - 129. THE LATER ADULT LIFE OF JESUS; 2. The Twenty-Eighth Year (A.D. 22); Meeting Gonid and Ganid changed to Gonod and Ganid in 2nd printing
P. lviii - 160. RODAN OF ALEXANDRIA; 2. added to The Art of Living in 10th printing
P. lxvi — information about separate index removed from 4th and subsequent printings.
The Table of Contents:
The Table of Contents was written as a separate document by Bill Sadler with help from his father, Dr William Sadler. The document first appears in the 1955 first printing.
For the purposes of this document, which lists changes to the text, The Table of Contents is not addressed.
The Foreword:
In the original 1955 printing, the Foreword was placed as a foreword to Part I. From the second printing on, and in the current Uversa Press printings, the Foreword was moved to precede the entire text. Bill Sadler, contact commissioner, in his talks on the Urantia papers, states that the Foreword is a foreword to Part I, not a foreword to the book.
In the original 1955 printing, the Foreword began as page 1. In the first Uversa Press printing the Foreword began as page 3.
In the original 1955 printing, the section headings of the Foreword were numbered with Roman numerals. The Uversa Press printings use Arabic numerals.
0:I.19 — "Absolute perfection in no direction, relative perfection in all other manifestations." changed to "Absolute perfection in no direction, relative perfection in all manifestations." word "other" deleted in second Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings.
0:IV.3 — "infinite Deity potentials" changed to "infinite Deity potential" in Uversa Press printings only
0:XII.13 — "Chief of the Corps of Superuniverse Personalities" changed to "chief of the corps of superuniverse personalities" in Uversa Press printings only
Part One:
Title page for Part 1 — "Sponsored by a Uversa Corps of Superuniverse Personalities acting by authority of the Orvonton Ancients of Days" changed to "Sponsored by a Uversa corps of superuniverse personalities acting by authority of the Orvonton Ancients of Days" in Uversa Press editions.
1:5.1 — He who planned the ear, shall he not hear? Most English translations read "planted" and none read "planned." Even though "planted" seemsquite stilted and obscure, the change to "planned" would have been an easy typographical error. There is no reason to change the UB to match the common but obscure translation found in most English Bibles.
1:5.16 — "in Him we all live" changed to "in him we all live" in prior Uversa Press printings only
2:1.11 — "In Him we live" changed to "In him we live" in prior Uversa Press printings only
2:2.6 — "perfect, he cannot" changed to "perfect; he cannot" prior Uversa Press printings only
3:1.12 — "concerning Himself" changed to "concerning himself" in Urantia Foundation's seventh (1981) printing
11:7.7 — "zone" changed to "zones" in the second (1967) and subsequent Urantia Foundation printings and in Uversa Press printings
12:4.8 — "of the seven superuiverses, seem" changed to "of the seven superuniverses seem" The comma was removed in all Urantia Foundation printings after the first and in Uversa Press printings
12:4.16 — "gravity" changed to "gravity." Period added in the eleventh (1993) Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
14:0.1 — "far-distant" changed to "far distant" The hyphen was removed in the sixth (1978) and subsequent Urantia Foundation printings and in Uversa Press printings
15:3.4 — "far-distant" changed to "far distant" in Uversa Press printings
17:2.6 — "undreamed of" changed to "undreamed-of" in Uversa Press printings
24:1.7 — "supervisor No. 572,842" changed to "supervisor number 572,842" in Uversa Press printings
28:5.14 — teamwork error found in the 16th - 17th printings. The word 'teamwork' was italicized originally.
28:6.4 — "The Significance of Origins are" changed to "The Significances of Origins are" in prior Uversa Press printings
29:4.16 — "the Seven Central Supervisors" changed to "the Seven Center Supervisors" in Uversa Press printings
29:4.27 — "together with their co-workers, the" changed to "together with their coworkers, the" The original text was changed in the tenth (1990) Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
30:3.12 — "enroute" changed to "en route" The original text was changed in the tenth (1990) Urantia Foundation printing and in prior Uversa Press printings
Part Two:
Title page for Part 2 —"Sponsored by a Nebadon Corps of Local Universe Personalities acting by authority of Gabriel of Salvington" changed in the Uversa Press editions to "Sponsored by a Nebadon corps of local universe personalities acting by authority of Gabriel of Salvington"
32:2.13 — destiny / density A recently discovered mistake in the 17th printing.
34:4.2 — "Him who is" changed to "him who is" in prior Uversa Press printings
34:6.10 — "through His spirit" changed to "through his spirit" in prior Uversa Press printings
35:6.3 — "the universe headquarters, as" changed to "the universe headquarters as"
36:3.6 — "any thing" changed to "anything" The original text was changed in the second (1967) Urantia Foundation printing and in prior Uversa Press printings
37:8.3 — "secondary" changed to "tertiary" The 1955 edition varies from all later Urantia Foundation printings in that it has the word "secondary", where all others read "tertiary". While both a secondary and a tertiary Circuit Supervisor are assigned to the supervision of a single local universe's circuits, only the tertiary Circuit Supervisor is located on the local universe headquarters sphere; the secondary Circuit Supervisor is located on the superuniverse headquarters. [See 24:1.5; -7] Therefore, "tertiary Universe Circuit Supervisor" does appear to be the correct description of Andovontia.
40:7.2 — "Adjusters" changed to "Adjuster" In Urantia Foundation's seventh (1981) and later printings, the plural form has been used as it seems clear that "you" and "your" as used in this paragraph are plural pronouns (referring to the readers as a class: the ascending sons of God), and not singular (referring to the reader as an individual); therefore "Adjusters" must likewise be plural.
41:4.4 — "sixty thousand" changed to "forty thousand" The 1955 edition stated "sixty thousand" while Urantia Foundation's second and subsequent printings have been changed to "forty thousand". Textual consistency does require "forty"; [41:4.1; ] states that our sun is about 1.5 times the density of water, or about .054 pounds per cubic inch, and 40,000 times this is about 2,160 pounds per cubic inch (which is also equivalent to 60,000 times the density of water).
42:5.1 — The 1955 edition placed a capital "Y" here; it was replaced by "gamma" in subsequent Urantia Foundation printings and in Uversa Press printings as gamma rays are clearly intended here. It is likely that the Greek letter "Ã" (gamma) was mistakenly transposed into "Y" at some point in the preparation of the original edition.
42:6.7 — "less" changed to "more" in the second (1967) and subsequent Urantia Foundation printings.
42:6.7 — "two to three thousand" changed to "almost two thousand" in the second and subsequent Urantia Foundation printings. These revised wordings appear to be more consistent with the statement in the paragraph following the subject paragraph [42:6.8; ], where it is stated that a proton is "eighteen hundred times as heavy as an electron". (This is also in accord with current scientific opinion which places the ratio at 1,836.109. (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th edition, Chicago, 1977, Vol. 5, p. 80.) Current scientific opinion holds that the hydrogen atom weighs 1.6735 X 10-24 grams, and that electrons weigh 9.1 x 10-28 grams, or 1/1,839th as much as the hydrogen atom. Protons are believed to weigh 1,836.1 times as much as an electron.
It should be noted that the edit apparently required to make this passage consistent is not easily explained. Unlike other such problems, allowance for a simple clerical error does not reconstruct the text.
42:7.7 — "instantaneous" changed to "well-nigh instantaneous" Urantia Foundation placed "well-nigh" before "instantaneous" in all printings after the first.
43:1.6 — "four thousand" changed to "forty thousand" in the Urantia Foundation second printing. "Forty" does appear to be correct [see 119:7.2; ]. The statement that the bestowal school college "was established four thousand years ago, immediately after the announcement by Michael that Urantia had been chosen as the world for his final bestowal" is not in accord with the passage which states that Michael announced that he had selected Urantia as the theater for his final bestowal more than 35,000 years ago.
43:8.2 — "rekeyed" changed to "re-keyed" in the Urantia Foundation second printing and in Uversa Press printings.
44:0.1 — "worlds, may" changed to "worlds may" Comma removed after "worlds" after the first Urantia Foundation printing and in prior Uversa Press printings.
45:4.18 — "1-2-3 the First," changed to "1-2-3 the first," in prior Uversa Press printings
45:5.6 — "Some time they hope to" changed to "Sometime they hope to" in Uversa Press printings
46:1.8 — "dependent on them; worlds" changed to "dependent on them, worlds" in the third (1971) Urantia Foundation printing
46:5.17 — "exhibits are in charge of" changed to "exhibits are in the charge of" changed in the seventh (1981) Urantia Foundation printing.
46:5.18 — period added after the word "constructions" in the sixth (1978) and subsequent Urantia Foundation printings
47:0.2 — period added after the word "Satania" in the sixth (1978) and subsequent Urantia Foundation printings
47:0.4 — "in charge of" changed to "in the charge of" in the seventh (1981) and subsequent Urantia Foundation printings
49:3.3 — "Urantia daily, coming" changed to "Urantia daily coming" This comma, present in the 1955 text, was deleted in the third (1971) and subsequent Urantia Foundation printings.
51:6.3 — "situated not far-distant still" changed to "situated not fardistant still" The hyphen in "far-distant" was removed in the sixth (1978) and subsequent Urantia Foundation printings and in Uversa Press printings
52:0.1 — "Post-Bestowal Son Man" changed to "Postbestowal Son Man" in the second (1967) and following Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
52:5 — "POST-BESTOWAL SON MAN" in the title was changed to "POSTBESTOWAL SON MAN" in the second Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
52:6 — "POST-BESTOWAL" in the title was changed to "POSTBESTOWAL" in the second Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press
52:7.13 — "praises of Him who" changed to "praises of him who" in prior Uversa Press printings
52:7.15 — "according to His promise" changed to "according to his promise" changed in the seventh Urantia Foundation printing
52:7.15 — "found by Him in peace" changed to "found by him in peace" in prior Uversa Press printings
53:5.2 — "which preceded it there" changed to "which preceded it, there" In the eleventh (1993) Urantia Foundation printing, a comma was inserted.
53:7.8 — "681,227" changed to "681,217" in the second (1967) and following Urantia Foundation printings, presumably because of the reference in [51:1.5; ]: "Since the inception of the system of Satania, thirteen Planetary Adams have been lost in rebellion and default and 681,204 in the subordinate positions of trust." It does appear that one of the numbers is in error, but whether 681,227 should be reduced to 681,217, or 681,204 should be increased to 681,214 is not apparent from the text.
54:2.3 — "In so doing this onetime" changed to "In so doing, this onetime" in Uversa Press printings
54:6.10 — "was not even" changed to "was not, even" in Urantia Foundation's eleventh (1993) printing and in Uversa Press printings
55:2.8 — "observation" changed to "observation." in Urantia Foundation's eleventh (1993) printing and in Uversa Press printings
56:7.8 — "other hand the new" changed to "
Part Three:
Title page for Part 3 —"These papers were sponsored by a Corps of Local Universe Personalities acting by authority of Gabriel of Salvington" changed in the Uversa Press editions to "These papers were sponsored by a corps of local universe personalities acting by authority of Gabriel of Salvington"
57:1.4 — "900,000,000,000 years ago the" changed to "900,000,000, 000 years ago, the" in Uversa Press printings
57:8.18 — "regulate its flow, as is" changed to "regulate its flow, as is" Comma was removed in the third (1971) and following Urantia Foundation printings.
58:2.1 — "one two-billionths" changed to "one two-billionth" in Uversa Press printings
59:1.1 — "Ameba" changed to "Amoeba" in Uversa Press printings
59:1.13 — "tropic Paradise." changed to "tropic paradise." in Uversa Press printings
59:2.12 — "muscles" changed to "mussels" in Uversa Press printings
60:3.8 — "85,000,000 years ago Bering Strait" changed to "85,000,000 years ago the Bering Strait" in Uversa Press printings
60:3.20 — "But some time previously" changed to "But sometime previously" in Uversa Press printings
61:0.2 — "three times Bering Strait" changed to "three times the Bering Strait" in Uversa Press printings
61:3.4 — "mammals. Bering Strait" changed to "mammals. The Bering Strait" in Uversa Press printings
61:3.13 — "martins" changed to "martens" The 1955 printing used the spelling "martins" here. All later Urantia Foundation printings substituted "martens". "martins" is a correct, though less common, variant.
61:7.18 —"Holocene" changed to "Holocene" (italicized) in Uversa Press printings
65:2.4 — "ameba" changed to "amoeba" in Uversa Press printings
67:4.6 — The comma after "superiors" and before "deceived" is missing after the first Urantia Foundation printing but is restored in Uversa Press printings
69:3.9 — "stonemasons" changed to "stone masons" in the tenth (1990) Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
71:7.2 — "sometime" changed to "sometimes" in the second and subsequent Urantia Foundation printings
73:7.4 — "headquarters to be in charge of" changed to "headquarters to be in the charge of" in Uversa Press printings
73:7.4 — "between" changed to "among" made in the second (1967) and subsequent Urantia Foundation printings
74:2.8 — "has passed, the age" changed to "has passed; the age" in Uversa Press printings
76:2.3 — "of the first Eden Adam had" changed to "of the first Eden, Adam had" in Uversa Press printings
76:5.3 — "arrival on the planet, and" changed to "arrival on the planet and" This comma was removed in the third (1971) and following Urantia Foundation printings.
77:3.1 — "was indorsed" changed to "was endorsed" in Uversa Press printings
77:3.4 — "building the tower." changed to "building the tower:" in Uversa Press printings
77:7.6 — "Him all sorts" changed to "him all sorts" in prior Uversa Press printings
78:0.1 — "doings of historic times, and" changed to "doings of historic times and" comma removed from the third (1971) and subsequent Urantia Foundation printings
78:2.3 — "anyway" changed to "any way" The original 1955 text was changed in the second Urantia Foundation printing
79:3.5 — "commerical" changed to "commercial" The original 1955 text was changed in the second Urantia Foundation printing and in prior Uversa Press printings
79:5.6 — "west" changed to "east" in the third (1971) Urantia Foundation printing. Because the term does not appear to be a title for the western hemisphere, "east" has been used in all subsequent Urantia Foundation printings and in the Uversa Press edition as well. The Bering isthmus, over which the red races passed to North America, is east, rather than west, of their Asian home
79:8.3 — "Graeco-Roman" changed to "Greco-Roman" in the tenth (1990) and following Urantia Foundation printings and in prior Uversa Press printings
80:2.4 — "Atlantic Ocean Presently" changed to "Atlantic Ocean. Presently" period added at second Urantia Foundation printing
80:5.8 — "for sometime controlled" changed to "for some time controlled" in the second Urantia Foundation printing and in prior Uversa Press printings
80:7.1 — "persisted for sometime" changed to "persisted for some time" in the second Urantia Foundation printing and in prior Uversa Press printings
82:5.8 — "out-mating" changed to "outmating" in Uversa Press printings
83:7.6 — "life-long" changed to "lifelong" in the tenth (1990) and following Urantia Foundation printings and in Uversa Press printings
84:7.7 — "parental instinct. Each" changed to "parental instinct—each" in Uversa Press printings
85:4.1 —"Creeks" changed to "Greeks"
86:5.13 — "Badanon" changed to "Badonan" changed in the Urantia Foundation second printing (1967) and in Uversa Press printings
87:3.3 — "some one would" changed to "someone would" in Uversa Press printings
87:5.5 — "against evil eye" changed to "against the evil eye" in Uversa Press printings
88:6.7 — "good luck, evil eye" changed to "good luck, the evil eye" in Uversa Press printings
89:3.1 — "forego" changed to "forgo" in Uversa Press printings
89:4.9 — "5,740,352 bags of coin" is an apparent typographical error. The Egyptian record citing this sacrifice (see Google) lists these to be bags of "corn," not "coin."
89:8.1 — "life-long" changed to "lifelong" in the tenth (1990) and following Urantia Foundation printings and in Uversa Press printings
90:2.9 "Tenskwatawa" was spelled "Teuskwatowa" in the 1955 Urantia Foundation printing. It was changed in all later printings and in prior Uversa Press printings. However, records show the Shawnee Tenskwatawa predicted the eclipse of the sun in the year 1806 rather than 1808.
92:7.6 — "Level values—loyalties." changed to "Level of values—loyalties." in Uversa Press printings
93:5.8 — "forego" changed to "forgo" in Uversa Press printings
94:6.3 — 'He taught that "man's eternal destiny was everlasting union" changed to 'He taught that man's eternal destiny was "everlasting union" ' in Uversa Press printings
95:1.3 — "ascendency" changed to "ascendancy" in Uversa Press printings
95:2.3 — "two-score" changed to "twoscore" in the tenth (1990) and following Urantia Foundation printings and Uversa Press
95:5.11 — "flaming disc" changed to "flaming disk" in Uversa Press printings
96:3.1 — "desert" changed to "Desert" in the second and all subsequent Urantia Foundation printings
96:3.4 — "Arabian Desert" changed to "Arabian desert" in Uversa Press printings
96:4.4 — ' "ten commandments" ' changed to' "Ten Commandments" ' The original 1955 text was changed in the second Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
96:4.6 — "But none the less" changed to "But nonetheless" in Uversa Press printings
97:5.6 — "with your God." 'changed to "with your God?" ' in Uversa Press printings
97:9.23 — "ascendency" changed to "ascendancy" in Uversa Press printings
98:4.1 — "Graeco-Roman" changed to "Greco-Roman" in the second (1967) and all subsequent Urantia Foundation printings and in prior Uversa Press printings
100:4.4 — "some one irritates you" changed to "someone irritates you" in Uversa Press printings
100:4.5 — "Only in the second" changed to "Only, in the second" in Uversa Press printings
101:3.4 — "ani malistic" changed to "animalistic" in the second Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
102:3.5 — "true reality;" changed to "true reality;" (italicized semicolon) in Uversa Press printings
102:3.11 — "fact;" changed to "fact;" (italicized semicolon) in Uversa Press printings
102:8.4 — "the eternal social" changed to "the external social" in Uversa Press printings
104:1.12 — "comprised of the Universal Father" changed to "composed of the Universal Father" in Uversa Press printings
104:3.9 — "absolute relationships;" changed to "absolute relationships," In the third (1971) and following Urantia Foundation printings, this semi-colon was changed to a comma.
105:3.8 — "co-relater" changed to "correlator" The spelling was changed in the second (1967) and following printings and in prior Uversa Press printings
105:3.9 — "co-existence" changed to "coexistence" in the tenth (1990) Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
106:5.1 — "Unrevealed" changed to "unrevealed" The original 1955 text was changed in the second (1967) Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
107:6.2 — "eternity" changed to "eternal" In the Urantia Foundation's printings six through nine, due to an error in re-setting type, "eternity" was written "eternal." This was corrected in Urantia Foundation's tenth (1990) printing
108:3.10 — Hyphen added in sixth (1978) Urantia Foundation printing to split "functioning"
109:7.2 — "untrammelled" changed to "untrammeled" in the tenth (1990) and following Urantia Foundation Printings and in prior Uversa Press printings. Both are acceptable spellings
110:3.4 — "light-hearted" changed to "lighthearted" in the tenth (1990) and subsequent Urantia Foundation printings and in prior Uversa Press printings
110:5.2 — "un-co-ordinated" changed to "unco-ordinated" in the tenth (1990) and following Urantia Foundation printings
111:0.4 — "ba;" changed to "ba;" (italicized semicolon) in Uversa Press printings
112:1.7 — "Vertical depth embraces" changed to "Vertical depth embraces" (italicized "depth") in Uversa Press printings
114:3.2 — "united midwayers" changed to "United Midwayers" in Uversa Press printings
117:0.2 — grand universers/ universes — error found in the 15th - 17th printings.
117:6.1 — Hyphen added in sixth (1978) printing to split "unrecognizable"
117:7.4 — Period added after "Ultimate" in the sixth and subsequent Urantia Foundation printings
118:6.2 — "freewillness" changed to "free-willness" in the tenth (1990) and later Urantia Foundation printings and in Uversa Press printings
118:6.8 — "error of Pantheism" changed to "error of pantheism" in Uversa Press printings
118:7.5 — "God identified" changed to "God-identified" in the seventh (1981) and following Urantia Foundation printings
119:7.6 — "in the manger" was deleted in the second and all subsequent Urantia Foundation printings, leaving the sentence: "These men of God visited the newborn child."
119:8.8 — "some time to return" changed to "sometime to return" in Uversa Press printings
119:8.9 — "[This paper ... Urantia time.]" changed to "This paper ... Urantia time." in Uversa Press printings
Part Four:
Title page for Part 4 —"This group of papers was sponsored by a commission of twelve Urantia Midwayers acting under the supervision of a Melchizedek revelatory Director. The basis if this narrative was supplied by a secondary Midwayer who was onetime assigned to the superhuman watchcare of the Apostle Andrew" changed in Urantia Foundation second printing and Uversa Press editions to "This group of papers was sponsored by a commission of twelve Urantia midwayers acting under the supervision of a Melchizedek revelatory director. The basis of this narrative was supplied by a secondary midwayer who was onetime assigned to the superhuman watchcare of the Apostle Andrew."
121:7.3 — "hestitate" changed to "hesitate" in the eleventh (1993) printing and in Uversa Press printings
122:4.1 — "command of Him who" changed to "command of him who" in prior Uversa Press printings
123:2.3 — "anniversay" changed to "anniversary" The original 1955 text was changed in the second (1967) Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
123:5.12 — "and, far beyond, the" changed to "and far beyond lay the" The original 1955 text was changed in the second (1967) Urantia Foundation printing
124:1.12 — "nearby" changed to "near-by" in the tenth (1990) and following Urantia Foundation printings and in Uversa Press printings
126:1.2 — "Tannach" changed to "Taanach" in the third (1971) Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
126:1.5 — "peformance" changed to "performance" The original 1955 text was changed in the second (1967) Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
128:1.7 — "to Him who is able" changed to "to him who is able" in Uversa Press printings
130:6.3 — "bond-servant" changed to "bond servant" in the tenth (1990) Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
133:1.5 — "if any one should" changed to "if anyone should" in Uversa Press printings
133:2.1 — "er—why—yes" changed to " 'Er—why—yes' " in Uversa Press printings
133:7.9 — "associater" changed to "associator" in the tenth (1990) Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
134:3.3 — "10:00 o'clock" changed to "ten o'clock" in Uversa Press printings
134:3.3 — "3:00 o'clock" changed to "three o'clock" in Uversa Press printings
134:3.3 — "8:00 o'clock." changed to "eight o'clock." in Uversa Press printings
134:7.5 — "Schecham" changed to "Shechem" The original 1955 text was changed in the second (1967) Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
134:8.9 — "took place some time before" changed to "took place sometime before" in Uversa Press printings
135:8.1 — "first-hand" changed to "firsthand" in Uversa Press printings
135:11.2 — "stands near-by" changed to "stands near by" in Uversa Press printings
136:3.5 — "Michael No. 611,121" changed to "Michael number 611,121" in Uversa Press printings
136:8.3 — "dialog" changed to "dialogue" in Uversa Press printings
137:2.9 — "ten commandments" changed to "Ten Commandments" The original 1955 text was changed in the second (1967) Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
138:7.4 — "clearcut" was changed to "clear-cut" in the tenth (1990) and later Urantia Foundation printings and in Uversa Press printings
139:6.6 — flash of/flash or — error found in the 15th - 17th printings.
139:9.8 — "big-hearted" changed to "bighearted" in Uversa Press printings
139:12.1 — "Judas' " changed to "Judas's" Used until the seventh (1981) Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
139:12.12 — "faintheartedly" changed to "faint-heartedly" in the tenth (1990) and following Urantia Foundation printings
140:8.30 — "bighearted" changed to "big-hearted" in the tenth (1990) and following Urantia Foundation printings
142:3.21 — "ten commandments" changed to "Ten Commandments" in Uversa Press printings
142:8.4 — "week ends" changed to "weekends" in the tenth (1990) and later Urantia Foundation printings
143:5.3 — "thirst not neither" changed to "thirst not, neither" in Uversa Press printings
143:6.1 — "accomplish His work" changed to "accomplish his work" in prior Uversa Press printings
146:4.1 — "week-day" changed to "weekday" in Uversa Press printings
147:4.2 — "evil doing" changed to "evildoing" in Uversa Press printings
147:5.1 — "half-hearted" changed to "halfhearted" in the tenth (1990) and later Urantia Foundation printings
149:4.1 — "the Master among other things said, in reply:" changed to "the Master, among other things, said in reply:" in prior Uversa Press printings
149:6.12 — "none are" changed to "none is" The original 1955 text was changed in the second (1967) Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
149:7.1 — "return to Bethsaida some time" changed to "return to Bethsaida sometime" in Uversa Press printings
150:4.2 — "trust in Him who" changed to "trust in him who" in prior Uversa Press printings
151:6.2 — "grottos" changed to "grottoes" in the tenth (1990) and later Urantia Foundation printings and in Uversa Press printings
152:0.3 — "Caesarea-Philippi" changed to "Caesarea Philippi" in Uversa Press printings
152:3.2 — "short-sighted" changed to "shortsighted" in the tenth (1990) and later Urantia Foundation printings and in Uversa Press printings
153:1.7 — "Jairus' " changed to "Jairus's" in the tenth (1990) Urantia Foundation printing in Uversa Press printings
153:3.5 — "hearken to me all of you." changed to "hearken to me, all of you." in Uversa Press printings
154:0.2 — him / his
154:7.3 — "Caesarea-Philippi" changed to "Caesarea Philippi" in Uversa Press printings
155:2.1 — "Caesarea-Philippi" changed to "Caesarea Philippi" in Uversa Press printings
155:2.3 — "Caesarea-Philippi" changed to "Caesarea Philippi" in Uversa Press printings
155:3 — "CAESAREA-PHILIPPI" changed to "CAESAREA PHILIPPI" in Uversa Press printings
155:3.1 — "Caesarea-Philippi" changed to "Caesarea Philippi" in Uversa Press printings
155:3.2 — "Caesarea-Philippi" changed to "Caesarea Philippi" in Uversa Press printings
155:4.1 — "Caesarea-Philippi" changed to "Caesarea Philippi" in Uversa Press printings
157:0 1743 — "CAESAREA-PHILIPPI" changed to "CAESAREA PHILIPPI" in Uversa Press printings
157:0.1 — "Caesarea-Philippi" changed to "Caesarea Philippi" in Uversa Press printings
157:1.3 — "foregoing the penalty" changed to "forgoing the penalty" in Uversa Press printings
157:2.2 — "Caesarea-Philippi" changed to "Caesarea Philippi" in Uversa Press printings
157:3.1 — "Caesarea-Philippi" changed to "Caesarea Philippi" in Uversa Press printings (2 instances)
157:3.7 — "Caesarea-Philippi" changed to "Caesarea Philippi" in Uversa Press printings
157:6.1 — "Caesarea-Philippi" changed to "Caesarea Philippi" in Uversa Press printings
157:6.3 — "Caesarea-Philippi" changed to "Caesarea Philippi" in Uversa Press printings (2 instances)
157:6.5 — "Caesarea-Philippi" changed to "Caesarea Philippi" in Uversa Press printings (2 instances)
158:4.6 — "Come out of him" changed to "Come out of him," comma added in the third (1971) Urantia Foundation printing and in prior Uversa Press printings
158:5.5 — "Caesarea-Philippi" changed to "Caesarea Philippi" in Uversa Press printings
158:7.1 — "Caesarea-Philippi" changed to "Caesarea Philippi" in Uversa Press printings
158:7.1 — "very little that night;" changed to "very little that night," This semicolon was changed to a comma in the seventh (1981) and following Urantia Foundation printings
159:1.3 — "decree on earth, shall be" changed to "decree on earth shall be" The comma after "earth" was removed in the seventh (1981) and later Urantia Foundation printings and in Uversa Press printings
159:3.9 — "evildoing" changed to "evil-doing" in Uversa Press printings
160:3.2 — "time-saving" changed to "timesaving" in Uversa Press printings
161:2.9 — "any one who has" changed to "anyone who has" in Uversa Press printings
162:2.1 — "him who sent me" changed to "Him who sent me" in the seventh (1981) Urantia Foundation printing and the current Uversa Press printing.
162:2.3 — "receive Him who sends me" changed to "receive him who sends me" changed in the seventh Urantia Foundation printing.
162:2.3 — "know Him who sent me" changed to "know him who sent me" Both occurrences of "Him" in this paragraph were changed to "him" in the seventh (1981) Urantia Foundation printing
162:2.4 — " 'has already done?' " changed to " 'has already done.' " This question mark was replaced with a period in the second and later Urantia Foundation printings
162:2.7 — "Him" changed to "him" in the seventh (1981) Urantia Foundation printing
162:5.2 — "only judge" changed to "judge only" in the third (1971) Urantia Foundation printing
162:7.2 — "bond-servant" changed to "bond servant" in the tenth (1990) Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings (2 instances)
164:5.6 — "Josiah the" changed to "Josiah, the" comma inserted in the eleventh (1993) Urantia Foundation printing
165:0.3 — "Maccabeus." changed to "Maccabee." in the second Urantia Foundation printing and in Uversa Press printings
165:3.3 — "of Him who has power" changed to "of him who has power" in the seventh (1981) Urantia Foundation printing.