The great majority of the teachings of The Urantia Book reinforce and enhance the insights and truths of traditional Christian theology; however, it is sometimes good to point out the most controversial aspects of a new paradigm to sharpen its distinction from a traditional paradigm and thereby stimulate critical thinking. Read More

Jesus ministered to many individuals during his personal work in Corinth. Read more HERE

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Jesus washing apostles feet by Del Parson

The entire Urantia Book is available on Truthbook, free and online. Click here to find out more

Denying Satan by Carl Bloch

The “Great Temptation” of Jesus

“Jesus spent the last three weeks of August and the first three weeks of September on Mount Hermon … During the last week on Mount Hermon the great temptation, the universe trial, occurred. Satan (representing Lucifer ) and the rebellious Planetary Prince, Caligastia, were present with Jesus and were made fully visible to him. And this “temptation” … had not to do with the kingdoms of this world but with the sovereignty of a mighty and glorious universe. ” Read more