Thanks for your note to us here at TruthBook. I hope that by asking your question here you may be familiar with The Urantia Book. If not, please click on the underlined link to find out more.

To understand how the devil fits in to our world, one has to understand the story of mankind’s long, long evolution from primitive times, and how God has systematically revealed the truths of heaven to us over vast spans of time. One way God does this is by periodically sending ambassadors of heaven to the evolving races of a planet such as ours. These epochal revelations have been occurring for 500,000 years. One such visitation (the first one) was upset and derailed by an event that has been come to be called the “Lucifer Rebellion.” To understand this event, I suggest you read the Urantia Paper of the same name: Paper 53.

Essentially what happened is that the leader of the first revelation of God to man-Caligastia, our planetary Prince-was influenced to join the Lucifer rebellion, and as a result our planet, and our whole universe, was thrown into a status in which it was cut off, or quarantined, from the rest of the celestial realms insofar as communication. Much as a sick patient with a communicable disease is isolated, those planets that participated in the rebellion were isolated. And this isolation and quarantine continues to this day. Reading about this series of events will be very instructive for you.

The Urantia Book teaches us that “the devil” is none other than the above-mentioned Caligastia, our first Planetary Prince, who fell in with Lucifer and his rebellion. The forces of darkness that were embodied in Caligastia, Lucifer, and Satan, were defeated by Christ Michael of Nebadon when he was incarnated on our planet as Jesus of Nazareth. You can read about this defeat, and the end of the Lucifer rebellion on our planet HERE

But, even though the rebels were defeated, and Jesus was able to gain sovereignty over Urantia, the effects of the rebellion are far from over. Caligastia was permitted to remain on our world, where he still remains.

 53:8.6 Caligastia, your apostate Planetary Prince, is still free on Urantia to prosecute his nefarious designs, but he has absolutely no power to enter the minds of men, neither can he draw near to their souls to tempt or corrupt them unless they really desire to be cursed with his wicked presence.

It is hard to gauge the effects of Caligastia’s presence in the events of our world today; but it is very easy to see the attitudes and falsehoods of the Lucifer rebellion that keep echoing through our world and our societies. These attitudes are seen in materialism, atheism and selfishness, in greed and power-hunger. And it does not help at all that our planet still suffers from isolation and quarantine. But even so, the believer can live as if s/he is already in the Kingdom of Heaven when that believer’s mind is set on God, and goodness.  Even though the planet labors under quarantine, the individual’s status with God is sure and active, through the spirit ministry of the amazing Thought Adjusters who live in the minds of mortals, guiding each soul through life and experiencing life with us.  

In reality, although Caligastia is still here, as the quote above says, we have nothing to fear from him. He cannot enter our God-indwelt minds; he cannot make us do something we don’t want to do; he is relatively impotent to those who embrace truth, beauty and goodness. It may seem sometimes that evil is very strong on our world, but this is not going to last forever, as we have been promised that the teachings of Jesus will conquer this world completely one day.

195:9.2 A new and fuller revelation of the religion of Jesus is destined to conquer an empire of materialistic secularism and to overthrow a world sway of mechanistic naturalism. Urantia is now quivering on the very brink of one of its most amazing and enthralling epochs of social readjustment, moral quickening, and spiritual enlightenment.

The teachings of Jesus, even though greatly modified, survived the mystery cults of their birthtime, the ignorance and superstition of the dark ages, and are even now slowly triumphing over the materialism, mechanism, and secularism of the twentieth century. And such times of great testing and threatened defeat are always times of great revelation.

This is exactly why The Urantia Book is such an amazing and timely gift to us at this time in our personal and planetary development. It is, in fact, the fifth and latest of the epochal revelations of God to mankind that I discussed above, and is meant to upstep us-mentally and spiritually-in our continuing evolution.

Knowing and understanding the story of the devil and his rebel associates is a great help to the seeker who wishes to live a faith-driven and God-seeking life. Understanding the real history of our development as a species defuses the fear that one can have about nebulous “evil forces” and elevates our idea of ourselves to that of sons of God, who have no need to fear such forces. Remember, all of these high spirit beings were created by God. There is no Creator except God, and so, none of these dark beings are either stronger than their Creator, nor even God’s equal. They were privileged beings, but squandered their sacred trust.

Part IV of The Urantia Book is devoted to Jesus. Knowing and studying the life and teachings of Jesus is an invaluable help for those who wish to know God, to live a good life, and anticipate an eternal life of progress in the Father’s kingdom, both here, and after death.

Thanks again for writing. I do hope that you are already a reader/student of the fifth epochal revelation. If you are new to it, reading these stories and learning the truth about our long-ago history will be a wonderful adventure for you. I have given you a number of links in this reply. I hope you’ll follow up and learn all you can about this important subject.

Date published:
Author: Staff