The ministering spirits of the grand universe are classified as follows:
- Supernaphim.
- Seconaphim.
- Tertiaphim.
- Omniaphim.
- Seraphim.
- Cherubim and Sanobim.
- Midway Creatures.
Angels are the ministering-spirit associates of the evolutionary and ascending will creatures of all space; they are also the colleagues and working associates of the higher hosts of the divine personalities of the spheres. The angels of all orders are distinct personalities and are highly individualized. They all have a large capacity for appreciation of the ministrations of the reversion directors. Together with the Messenger Hosts of Space, the ministering spirits enjoy seasons of rest and change; they possess very social natures and have an associative capacity far transcending that of human beings. ~ The Urantia Book, (26:0.1)