You asked: Why do a lot of Christians go to church on the first day of the week when Scripture plainly teaches to “Remember the Sabbath day”, the seventh day?

Thanks for your note to us here at TruthBook about Sunday worship and Christianity.

It’s an interesting question, and it is not covered in The Urantia Book, so I had to do a little searching. What I found out is that the Christian church as a whole, does not feel it is beholden to Sabbath day worship because that is part of Jewish Law in the Old Testament. Instead, it has adopted Sunday as the day for worship. You can read more about it by clicking through to this article from

You don’t mention whether you are a reader, but since you asked your question at our site which is dedicated to the teachings of The Urantia Book, I thought you might also like to find out the origins of the Sabbath day tradition. It’s a great story that originated with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

Once Adam and Eve arrived on earth (Urantia) about 35,000 years ago, they went on an inspection tour of the garden that had been prepared for them; this inspection took six days. But when they returned, they were shocked to find that the inhabitants of the garden were preparing to worship them as gods. (And if you read about these amazing beings, it might be easy to understand how they might be seen as gods to the minds of the primitive peoples of that time, who had never seen anything like them.)


It was near the dawn of their seventh day on earth that Adam and Eve heard the startling news of the proposal of these well-meaning but misguided mortals; and then, even while the passenger birds were swiftly winging to bring them to the temple, the midwayers, being able to do such things, transported Adam and Eve to the Father’s temple. It was early on the morning of this seventh day and from the mount of their so recent reception that Adam held forth in explanation of the orders of divine sonship and made clear to these earth minds that only the Father and those whom he designates may be worshiped. Adam made it plain that he would accept any honor and receive all respect, but worship never!

It was a momentous day, and just before noon, about the time of the arrival of the seraphic messenger bearing the Jerusem acknowledgment of the installation of the world’s rulers, Adam and Eve, moving apart from the throng, pointed to the Father’s temple and said: “Go you now to the material emblem of the Father’s invisible presence and bow down in worship of him who made us all and who keeps us living. And let this act be the sincere pledge that you never will again be tempted to worship anyone but God.” They all did as Adam directed. The Material Son and Daughter stood alone on the mount with bowed heads while the people prostrated themselves about the temple.

And this was the origin of the Sabbath-day tradition. Always in Eden the seventh day was devoted to the noontide assembly at the temple; long it was the custom to devote this day to self-culture. The forenoon was devoted to physical improvement, the noontime to spiritual worship, the afternoon to mind culture, while the evening was spent in social rejoicing. This was never the law in Eden, but it was the custom as long as the Adamic administration held sway on earth.

Click to read the rest of the story.

Click to read more about Adam and Eve

Click to read how legend of creation began

These are interesting stories, yes; but more than just stories, these events and personalities are part of our history – yours and mine. These things really happened, and the repercussions of the events in the Garden are still impacting our world today.

The real story of Adam and Eve is one that everyone needs to know. The Urantia Book reveals to us the purpose and the mission of Adam and Eve – why they came when they did, what happened to them, why it happened, and where they are now. It’s a story that emcompasses love and joy, as well as tragedy, betrayal, remorse, depression, and finally rehabilitation, as this sorrowful pair have to deal with terrible defeat through the hardship of living their lives as mere mortals. Having once been nearly god-like, their story is a pitiful one, but one that contains a wealth of lessons, and a wealth of understanding about what we lost when we lost them.

If you’ve ever wondered about who they really were, I invite you to visit this page to get started

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Author: Staff