According to The Urantia Book, a rebellion led by Lucifer did break out in our part of the Local Universe. The book explains that the greater the distance between God (at the Paradise center of all things) and his created intelligences, the greater the possibility for imperfection, and consequently for rebellion. Our local system of nearly 1, 000 inhabited worlds was deeply affected by this rebellion because Lucifer, the being who initiated the insurrection, actually held the highest position of trust within the system, that of governor.

Our world was one of 37 planets in the system to be led into the rebellion, and the consequences of confusion, violence and disharmony are obvious and severe—and still ongoing. The Urantia Book goes into great detail on these matters, describing Lucifer’s deception, the beings involved, the terrible betrayal of innocence, and the current status of the rebellion.

Freewill choice is given by God to all of the personalities in all of the evolutionary universes. That being true, there will always be the potential for evil because God does not interfere with free will choice. But since we now enjoy the ministry of Christ Michael himself as our Planetary Prince and system Sovereign, it is probably not possible that there will ever be another rebellion here…

Read More by clicking the Papers below

Paper 45,  The System Sovereign

Paper 50,  The Mission of the Princes

Paper 53, The Lucifer Rebellion

Paper 54, Problems Of The Lucifer Rebellion

Paper 67, The Planetary Rebellion

Author: Truthbook Staff