
Never-Ending LIFE!

The Urantia Book is a rich source of information about eternal life. In its pages, and most especially in the Life and Teachings of Jesus, we learn again and again of the reality of eternal life and the possibility of claiming immortality.

They say that “you can't take it with you” and that is very true when thinking about anything material that we possess in this world - money, property, pets...even our own body! But there is something that we very definitely CAN take with us, and that is our immortal soul. Associated with our soul is our personality and our memories, so that we will remember, we will recognize and be recognized, we will carry on in the afterlife much as we do here.

As we deliberately and consciously identify our inner selves with that spark of infinity, through faith, we become increasingly spiritual, adding daily to the spiritual counterpart of our material being - the counterpart that is known as the SOUL. And it is this soul that constitutes the immortal potential of each person.

It is true...you are an immortal being...if you choose to be. You carry within your heart and mind a spark of the infinite source of all life, and that spark is your assurance that you can live FOREVER!

The Promise of Eternal Life

Click to see You Can Live Forever

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We shall never truly die if we choose to live forever...

Said Jesus:

“Your fathers ate manna in the wilderness and are dead. But this bread which comes down from God, if a man eats thereof, he shall never die in spirit. I repeat, I am this living bread, and every soul who attains the realization of this united nature of God and man shall live forever. And this bread of life which I give to all who will receive is my own living and combined nature. The Father in the Son and the Son one with the Father—that is my life-giving revelation to the world and my saving gift to all nations.” ~ 153:2.12
“Peace be upon you. You rejoice to know that I am the resurrection and the life, but this will avail you nothing unless you are first born of the eternal spirit, thereby coming to possess, by faith, the gift of eternal life. If you are the faith sons of my Father, you shall never die; you shall not perish.” ~ 193:1.2
“ The children of this world fight for the establishment and enlargement of the kingdoms of this world, but my disciples shall enter the kingdom of heaven by their moral decisions and by their spirit victories; and when they once enter therein, they shall find joy, righteousness, and eternal life.” ~ 137:8.7
The door of eternal life is wide open to all; “whosoever will may come”; there are no restrictions or qualifications save the faith of the one who comes. ~ 139:12.7
“I am the door, I am the new and living way, and whosoever wills may enter to embark upon the endless truth-search for eternal life.” ~ 166:3.7