The Caravan Conductor
"About the time Jesus was preparing to leave Nazareth, the conductor of a large caravan which was passing through the city was taken violently ill, and Jesus, being a linguist, volunteered to take his place...
"The caravan trip was successful in every way. This was a most interesting episode in the human life of Jesus, for he functioned during this year in an executive capacity, being responsible for the material intrusted to his charge and for the safe conduct of the travelers making up the caravan party. And he most faithfully, efficiently, and wisely discharged his multiple duties.
Read the rest of the story: The Urantia Book, 134:1.6
Follow Me
“On the return from the Caspian region, Jesus gave up the direction of the caravan at Lake Urmia, where he tarried for slightly over two weeks. He returned as a passenger with a later caravan to Damascus, where the owners of the camels besought him to remain in their service. Declining this offer, he journeyed on with the caravan train to Capernaum, arriving the first of April, A.D. 25. No longer did he regard Nazareth as his home. Capernaum had become the home of Jesus, James, Mary, and Ruth. But Jesus never again lived with his family; when in Capernaum he made his home with the Zebedees.” ~ The Urantia Book, 134:2.5
The Sojourn on Mount Hermon
This period of isolation on Mount Hermon marked the termination of his purely human career... Jesus lived alone with God for six weeks on the slopes of Mount Hermon.
During the last week on Mount Hermon the great temptation, the universe trial, occurred. And subsequent generations should understand what a great struggle the Son of Man passed through that eventful day on Mount Hermon.
On an afternoon in late summer, amid the trees and in the silence of nature, Michael of Nebadon won the unquestioned sovereignty of his universe. …the Lucifer rebellion in Satania and the Caligastia secession on Urantia were virtually settled. Jesus had paid the last price required of him to attain the sovereignty of his universe.
Read the rest of the story: The Urantia Book, 134:7.7