Q: I believe in Sefira of Kabbalah. Does this conflict with The Urantia Book? And is it proper to say sefira is an aramaic named spirit of the Father?

A: Thanks for your note to TruthBook.com. I went to Google to find out more about your question, and I came up with this definition of “sefira, ” from the Britannica Online:

“Also spelled Sephira (Hebrew: “number”), plural Sefirot, or Sephiroth, in the speculations of esoteric Jewish mysticism (Kabbala), any of the 10 emanations, or powers, by which God the Creator was said to become manifest. The concept first appeared in the Sefer Yetzira (“Book of Creation”), as the 10 ideal numbers.

In the development of Kabbalistic literature, the idea was expanded and elaborated to denote the 10 stages of emanation from En Sof (the Infinite; the unknowable God), by which God the Creator can be discerned. Each sefira refers to an aspect of God as Creator…”

Just on the face of it, it does not appear that “sefira” is a name of the Spirit of God; however, I suppose that you are referring to the Kabbalah as a whole…?

Regardless of the many names that have been given to God over the centuries, he is still the First Source and Center—the Creator and the Universal Father—I believe that he is my Father and your Father—Father of our Spirit selves. I don’t think that it matters what we call him, but you might like this description:

“On those worlds where a Paradise Son has lived a bestowal life, God is generally known by some name indicative of personal relationship, tender affection, and fatherly devotion. On your constellation headquarters God is referred to as the Universal Father, and on different planets in your local system of inhabited worlds he is variously known as the Father of Fathers, the Paradise Father, the Havona Father, and the Spirit Father. Those who know God through the revelations of the bestowals of the Paradise Sons, eventually yield to the sentimental appeal of the touching relationship of the creature-Creator association and refer to God as “our Father.” (1:1.5)

Kabbalah is another, and quite ancient, type of religious belief—an example of an evolutionary religion—and is an offshoot of Judaism, as I understand it. As you know, Jesus came from Jewish roots, and was raised as a Jew. And as you also likely know, he later attempted to establish his new religion of the Spirit among the Jewish peoples; but he was rejected by the Jews in power, and put to death for his ideas of spiritual liberty—freedom from the fetters of the religions of authority.

I cannot say that Kabbalah is in conflict with the teachings of The Urantia Book, simply because I don’t know enough about it. However, most religions that have at their heart the one-God concept are not at serious odds with what we learn from The Urantia Book, which also has at its heart one God—the Universal Father of all.

The Urantia Book is a new revelation of God to mankind. It reveals things to us about God that we have not known before. And it is designed to improve our understanding of God, the universe, our planet, and ourselves.

There are many, many people who love, embrace, and study The Urantia Book who are also members of various churches and religious beliefs; there are quite a few Jewish people among that group as well. It is entirely possible to remain a believer in established religions, while also using The Urantia Book as an additional tool to come to a deeper understanding of God.

If you have specific concerns regarding Kabbalah vs Urantia Book teachings, please write back, so we can discuss them. I suspect, though, after reading some other material about Kabbalah, that there would be few inconsistencies, and that you would not have to feel that you have to abandon your spiritual practice in order to benefit from studying The Urantia Book.

The Urantia Book is meant to help mankind to upstep our ideas of God—to give us new information, and new insight as to the nature, the personality, and the love of God. If your aim is to live a good life, and to walk a spiritual path with God, using the teachings of The Urantia Book can only help you, as you expand your mind, and discover new truths about God, and his relationship to you, and with you. If you derive pleasure, satisfaction and spiritual growth in Kabbalah, you may have all you need already in the spiritual sense; but if you are still searching for more (and there is ALWAYS more to know about God) you would do well to continue to read and study The Urantia Book at the same time that you practice Kabbalah, as it will only assist your search for true meaning in your life. Eventually, you will come to a new understanding of both Kabbalh AND The Urantia Book if you are sincere seeker for truth.

Thanks again for your question. I hope my answer has been helpful. Again—if you have further questions, please write back.

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Author: Staff