Q: I am a born again Christian and lately I can’t pray. Every time I try to pray there are no words i can say and sometimes I feel so empty inside and I can’t even understand what I am saying when I pray. How can I pray to God?

A:  When I read your question, this quote from The Urantia Book immediately came to mind:

(91:8.12) Words are irrelevant to prayer; they are merely the intellectual channel in which the river of spiritual supplication may chance to flow…God answers the soul’s attitude, not the words.

Try to just BE in the presence of God for a while without saying any memorized prayer words. Just reach out to God with your inmost soul, and he’ll surely help you to know what to do about your concern. Just doing that will possibly help you to feel better connected to God.

I think we all go through dry spells in our spiritual life—at least I do. It is uncomfortable to say the least, when we feel as though we are not able to talk to God as we once could; worse, that perhaps we are not being heard. We feel that emptiness so deeply. Refuse to yield to anxiety over this issue, but know that there is a light at the end of this tunnel that you are in…God knows your desire. If you truly desire to pray to God, just open your inner life to him.

Here are a couple of Urantia Book quotes to help you through this time in your life.

Jesus’ Discourse on Prayer This link will inspire you to look at prayer as Jesus did.

And THIS is a link to a section of The Urantia Book which has always been of help to me with my prayer life. It deals with praying and the “alter ego,” that part of us that comes into play when we “talk to ourselves…” Maybe it will be helpful to you right now.

In addition, you might go to our topical study on Prayer for more advice and inspiration from The Urantia Book.

Don’t give up. I will agree with you right now in prayer that you’ll turn the corner soon.

Thanks for this great question…”

:: Date published: 2014-06-27 14:33:50.94
:: Author: Truthbook Staff