Q: I want to see Jesus face to face and want to talk to him. Everyday I ask in prayer: What can I do to see Jesus?

A:  Thanks so much for your note to us here at Truthbook.com . We are always happy to hear from our visitors.

I think that all of us who love Jesus would like to be able to see him face-to-face; that would be a wonderful thing. However, I know that you certainly must realize that it is simply not possible to see Jesus with our material eyes or as a material person. Maybe you just want to become closer to Jesus—to feel his presence and his guidance, and that is something that you certainly CAN do.

Even though Jesus is not longer with us as he was when he walked our earth as the carpenter of Nazareth, he did make the promise that he would come to every soul, and ever since the day of Pentecost, his Spirit of Truth has been poured out on all flesh—on every man, woman and child who seeks truth. This includes you.

Jesus said of this good Spirit:

“…when he, the Spirit of Truth, comes, he shall eventually guide you into all truth as you pass through the many abodes in my Father’s universe.

“This spirit will not speak of himself, but he will declare to you that which the Father has revealed to the Son, and he will even show you things to come; he will glorify me even as I have glorified my Father. This spirit comes forth from me, and he will reveal my truth to you. Everything which the Father has in this domain is now mine; wherefore did I say that this new teacher would take of that which is mine and reveal it to you.” (180:6.4)

Once we are aware of this presence of Jesus as the Spirit of Truth we can be comforted, knowing that Jesus is truly present for all of us right now, and he can be with all of us at the same time through this ministry of mind.

I hope you’ll do some further reading on our site about Jesus and the Spirit of Truth. We have a wonderful study on the Spirit of Truth HERE . There, you will find many links to sections of The Urantia Book that will help you learn about, and hopefully to begin to recognize, the ministry of the Spirit of Truth in your own life.

Keep praying, and I send you best wishes…

:: Date published: 2014-05-20 16:39:04.647
:: Author: Truthbook Staff