Q: I have many questions about life, I need his guidance, I don’t know what to do…

A:  You may not always feel his guidance, but never doubt or wonder about God’s PRESENCE in your mind. He is as close as a thought, and he wants to help you. Quiet down your mind, and let yourself relax enough to hear that “still, small voice…” Return yourself to this present moment only, for that is where you’ll find God—and think only about your breath for awhile. This will help you to remain in the minute. Relax.

(160:3.1) …meditation makes the contact of mind with spirit; relaxation determines the capacity for spiritual receptivity.

It is a challenge sometimes to really relax in body and mind, but every time you try, you’ll get better at it. This will help you feel calmer, and will help you to be more open to what God has to say to you.

You are dearly loved by your heavenly Father. He knows what you are going through. You may not know what to do, but your Father does. Do your best to try some quiet times to practice relaxing, but even when you can’t, you CAN turn your thoughts to God in any moment.

The answers to your questions will come…

Thank you for writing with your concerns. ”

:: Date published: 2013-05-03 10:42:13.9
:: Author: Truthbook Staff