- Who Was Judas Iscariot? His Selection and Duties As An Apostle
- Trouble Foments Inside Judas In Spite of Warnings from Jesus
- Judas Begins To Entertain Thoughts of Deserting
- Judas Plots The Betrayal Of Jesus, Justifying It In His Own Mind
- Judas Is Promised A Fee For His Betrayal, Suiting His Selfish Ambition
- The Plot Is Discovered, And Sorrow Lingers
- The Last Supper -- Jesus Commands Judas' Respect, Judas Remains Determined
- After The Supper, The Master Pauses In Sadness - The Eleven Realize The Truth
- Meanwhile, Judas Gathers The Authorities And Leads The Soldiers To Gethsemane For Jesus' Arrest
- The Beginnng Of The End For Judas - Humiliation And Remorse
- The End Of Judas - After He Witnesses The Crucifixion
- Causes Of Judas' Downfall
- How Jesus Viewed Judas