Come Unto Me
"...I always stand near, and my invitation-call is, and ever shall be, Come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am true and loyal, and you shall find spiritual rest for your souls." ~ Jesus, The Urantia Book, 163:6.7
“If any man thirst, let him come to me and drink. From the Father above I bring to this world the water of life. He who believes me shall be filled with the spirit which this water represents, for even the Scriptures have said, ‘Out of him shall flow rivers of living waters.’ ~ Jesus, The Urantia Book, 162:6.1
"Everyone who yields to the teaching of the Father’s indwelling spirit will eventually come to me. Not that any man has seen the Father, but the Father’s spirit does live within man. And the Son who came down from heaven, he has surely seen the Father. And those who truly believe this Son already have eternal life." ~ Jesus, The Urantia Book, 153:2.11
“ He who comes to me shall not hunger, while he who believes me shall never thirst. All those led of the Father shall come to me, and he who comes to me shall in nowise be cast out."
~ Jesus, The Urantia Book, 153:2.8
The Master never said, “come to me all you who are indolent and all who are dreamers.” But he did many times say, “come to me all you who labor, and I will give you rest — spiritual strength.” The Master’s yoke is, indeed, easy, but even so, he never imposes it; every individual must take this yoke of his own free will. ~ Jesus, The Urantia Book, 141:3.7
"And now I declare to you that I, if I be lifted up on earth and in your lives, will draw all men to myself and into the fellowship of my Father. Walk while you have this light so that the oncoming darkness and confusion may not overtake you. He who walks in the darkness knows not where he goes; but if you will choose to walk in the light, you shall all indeed become liberated sons of God." ~ Jesus, The Urantia Book, 174:5.13