Q: In every religion, it is assumed that GOD is in the sky. Whenever believers refer to GOD, they point at the sky, Stories of each religion tells that GOD will come from sky to solve our problems. GOD used to come to this earth in our ancient stories in this manner. Now my question is, could GOD could be some ET (extra terrestrial) having more IQ than human on earth, who used to visit earth often in earlier days?.

Hence, could GOD be an ET?

A: Thank you for your question to TruthBook.com – -we’re pleased you discovered our site, a site that focuses on the teachings of The Urantia Book. Your question is not an uncommon one from those who are searching for meaning.

As students of this marvelous book we believe, we’re assured, that the universe is filled with intelligent life, the vast majority of it being considerably more intelligent than we human beings. Yet, even so, seldom is there ever contact with those superior physical or spirit beings – -life on this world, as on all others, is designed to develop independently of external influence – -that’s why God put it all in motion.

So yes, there are more ET’s out there than can be imagined, but no, we don’t have contact with them except in a very few rare instances. We have learned from The Urantia Book that beginning about 500, 000 years ago the primitive humans of this world did have contact with superior physical and spiritual beings – -we received a planetary prince, a spirit being who was to oversee the continuing evolution and development of the human races, and he and his physical staff did so according to plan for nearly 300, 000 years. You can read about (and listen too) the Planetary Prince here. Then, about 200, 000 years ago, due to the Lucifer Rebellion, the Planetary Prince defaulted in this mission and was lost to the evolving civilizations, giving rise to many myths, fairy tales, folklore and legends that continue to this day. A little less than 40, 000 years ago we received a pair of biologic uplifters, Adam and Eve, whose purpose was to improve human genetics and whose mission was to have continued on for eons into the future, failed after a couple of hundred years, also due to the effects of the Lucifer rebellion and also giving rise to more of the myths and legends we still encounter. About 4, 000 years ago we received another celestial visitor, Machiventa Melchizedek, whose material visitation with Abraham of about 100 years duration is briefly mentioned in the Old Testament and a few other writings. Then 2, 000 years ago Jesus was born here, a true celestial visitation that changed the course of world history, as did the previous 3 visitations to a lesser degree. You can read (and listen to) the life and teachings of Jesus, a captivating year by year recitation, beginning here.

God does exist “out there” – -God also exists “in here, ” inside of you. Partly because of the myths and legends we think mainly of God being “out there” and are prone to substitute ETs for the true and living God the Father. We’re a confused and misguided world and the search for truth is a difficult one that is disregarded by so many. God is the first source and center of all things, including all those intelligent ETs – -we just seek to try to make sense of it all and to get our facts straightened out.

May I recommend that if you’re not already signed up that you consider subscribing to the Quote of the Day. It’s a free service from our site that offers a daily quote from the incomparable teachings of this marvelous book with an audio clip and a beautiful and inspiring image, a great way to start one’s day as well as to begin to understand the teachings of the book. To subscribe click on the Quote of the Day link on the left side of our home page and follow the instructions.

Best wishes and may God be with you…

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Author: Staff