Q: I’ve been a lesbian my whole life. My relationshp with God is there…I believe and I pray—so I am asking: Is being a lesbian a sin?

A: Thanks so much for your note to us here at TruthBook.com. We are a website dedicated to the teachings of The Urantia Book, a 21st century revelation of God to man-(and woman-) kind.

You want to know if being a lesbian is wrong or sinful…The Urantia Book does not mention homosexuality, but it does talk about the “mating instinct, “ and how sexual urges can be the source of problems. Regardless of how you feel about sex, you might want to read this section. Also, The Urantia Book holds the union of man and woman in marriage as the highest kind of relationship that we can aspire to. Not everyone succeeds at this, of course…

Jesus taught that the most important thing in this world is LOVE. Love can be practiced by anyone, and has little to do with sex, really, although sex does become a part of the experience of most peoples’ lives. If you love God and you have a relationship with him, this will surely be reflected in the way you relate to others.

Sin is a conscious and deliberate violation of the rule of God—the rule of love, truth and goodness—and so, if you are being honest and loving in all your relationships—sexual or not—I would have to say that you’re doing fine. Sin only becomes a factor when a person makes a deliberate choice against what they know to be God’s will. Only you can determine whether this is true in your heart.

From what I know about homosexuality, it is not something that people choose, but it is the way they are born. I don’t pretend to understand this way of life, but I know that God does understand. You are his beloved child, and you need never fear that he is going to reject you because of your sexual orientation. Sex is a temporal reality. In our eternal life, we will not be sexual beings, but the love that we create and share in this life will last into eternity. So, in all your dealings with others, love matters the most. Sex is secondary—and optional.

Stay close to God—keep praying and asking for his guidance through your life. Love God, love and accept yourself, love others, and always treat others as you know God would treat them. If you love God with a whole heart, nothing can separate you from him.

You don’t mention whether you are a student/reader of The Urantia Book, but I hope that you’ll visit our site and take familiarize yourself with its wonderful and uplifting teachings.

Date published:
Author: Staff