Q: I love The Urantia Book. Here’s my question: how do we travel to other planets? What does the book say about how we travel around this big universe.?

A: Thank you for your note to Truthbook. I am so glad to hear that you love The Urantia Book…it is just the best source of reality in the world today, in my opinion, so it’s always nice to meet a kindred spirit.

Your question is a good one. A lot of people don’t realize that we do quite a bit of travel throughout the universes—through our local universe of Nebadon, and then beyond and beyond, until we reach our final destination—Paradise.

Here on this earth, we have a fascination with space travel. We create machines and rockets to hurl ourselves into the unknown—to try and discover what’s really “out there.” And we have succeeded in some small ways—we’ve sent probes to Mars, men to the moon—and in the future, we’ll likely go even further. But our material bodies and our material machines can only take us so far…

The Urantia Book discloses answers to the question of how we, as human beings, can and will travel into space—and it won’t be in material rocket ships. Our only means of acquiring this ability will come through the death of these material bodies, which have no capacity as life vehicles to other worlds.

“Mortal death is a technique of escape from the material life in the flesh; and the mansonia experience of progressive life through seven worlds of corrective training and cultural education represents the introduction of mortal survivors to the morontia career, the transition life which intervenes between the evolutionary material existence and the higher spirit attainment of the ascenders of time who are destined to achieve the portals of eternity.” (47:10.7)

We are made of the dust of the earth, and these bodies will return to that dust. But we know from the revelation of The Urantia Book that there is something more to us—something eternal and immortal. Even though these material bodies will cease living and decompose at death, the essence of who we are—in reality—will go on in the form of our soul—that indestructible counterpart of ourselves that we have been busy growing throughout our lifetimes, in association with our indwelling Spirit—the Thought Adjuster.

During the sleep of death, our soul is carried safely from earth to the Mansion Worlds by the angels, where it will be re-associated with our personality and our indwelling Spirit. This reunion constitutes our resurrection into eternal life—it is then that our real life begins. (You might like to have a look at our inspiring short flash movie called “After You Die” HERE) From there, our travel from one sphere to another is accomplished through the ministry of the transport seraphim

“When mansion world ascenders pass from one sphere to another, they are delivered by the transport seraphim to the receivers of the system co-ordinators on the advanced world. Here in those unique temples at the center of the seventy radiating wings wherein are the chambers of transition similar to the resurrection halls on the initial world of reception for earth-origin mortals, the necessary changes in creature form are skillfully effected by the system co-ordinators. These early morontia-form changes require about seven days of standard time for their accomplishment.” (48:2.17)

And this:

“While all orders of angels, from the planetary helpers to the supreme seraphim, minister on the morontia worlds, the transition ministers are more exclusively assigned to these activities. These angels are of the sixth order of seraphic servers, and their ministry is devoted to facilitating the transit of material and mortal creatures from the temporal life in the flesh on into the early stages of morontia existence on the seven mansion worlds.”

Date published:
Author: Staff