The fact that mortal man goes in willing partnership with God ensures that that human being will "awaken on the shores of a better world...Then will begin your real life, the ascending life"
Said Jesus: "When you have by faith once established yourself as a son of God, nothing else matters as regards the surety of survival." ~ The Urantia Book, (176:3.3)
In so far as man's evolving morontia soul becomes permeated by truth, beauty, and goodness as the value-realization of God-consciousness, such a resultant being becomes indestructible. ~ The Urantia Book, (111:3.7)
The existence of God can never be proved by scientific experiment or by the pure reason of logical deduction. God can be realized only in the realms of human experience; nevertheless, the true concept of the reality of God is reasonable to logic, plausible to philosophy, essential to religion, and indispensable to any hope of personality survival. ~ The Urantia Book, (1 :2.4)

Yearning for God
It is not so much that man is conscious of God as that man yearns for God that results in universe ascension.
The Urantia Book, (111:1.5)

The Long, Long Journey
The will creatures of universe upon universe have embarked upon the long, long Paradise journey, the fascinating struggle of the eternal adventure of attaining God the Father.
The Urantia Book, (1:0.3)

Higher Desires
Religious insight possesses the power of turning defeat into higher desires and new determinations.
The Urantia Book, (196:3.32)

...they who know that God is enthroned in the human heart are destined to become like him—immortal.
The Urantia Book, (131:4.7)

God is Essential
God is reasonable to logic, plausible to philosophy, essential to religion, and indispensable to any hope of personality survival.
The Urantia Book, (1:2.7)

Finding Eternal Life
"But fear not; every one who sincerely desires to find eternal life by entrance into the kingdom of God shall certainly find such everlasting salvation."
Jesus, The Urantia Book, (166:3.5)

"Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and in finding these, all other things essential to eternal survival shall be secured therewith."
Jesus, The Urantia Book, (140:1.5)