Q: I’ve read the book a total of 4 times since 2001 and every time I read it I find new answers. According to The Urantia Book, once we die and we accept the Paradise Career we move forward to the mansion worlds. It says that spirits don’t remain on the planet as ghosts or demons. True?

A: Yes, every time The Urantia Book is read it offers up new insights; your thought patterns improve whenever you spend time with the book and new interpretations of the concepts will always come to mind. That’s why studying the book can become a life-long endeavor—it never gets old.

Once we die, whether we accept the Paradise career or not, there’s no return to earth. Should a choice be made before death not to survive, at death there’s nothing to continue on.

Those who go to the mansion worlds are not permitted to send messages back to their loved ones. It is the policy throughout the universes to forbid such communication during the period of a current dispensation.” (112:3.7)

There’s always been an interest in unexplained phenomena; that’s why shamans and medicine men and witch doctors had so much power during the long evolutionary development of humanity and that’s why conjurers, psychics, magicians, and slight of hand street performers are still popular today. Under the right circumstances our minds are quite easily deceived and focusing on the paranormal is an excellent example of deceiving oneself.

The easiest way to answer this quandary about paranormal events or any other quandary is to ask yourself what makes more sense, the full range of the logically defined cosmology laid out by The Urantia Book which, in the case of paranormal events includes replete explanation of the soul, its development and rebirth on the mansion worlds, or a convoluted system of beliefs devised in an attempt to explain these otherwise difficult to explain occurrences? Without hesitation I put my trust in the straight forward teachings of The Urantia Book; it makes logical sense to me. Just because paranormal events seem to exist doesn’t mean that they actually do; there are other and better explanations for what may otherwise appear to be real.

You can take classes in developing your psychic ability; it’s a teachable capability. Some people come by it naturally, others can be taught; it’s just another function of mind that can be developed. It’s also a venture not sanctioned by TUB nor an avenue that Jesus followed—access to the psychic realm is not a requisite for spiritual advancement.

Q: Do you think anyone in the history of our planet has ever denied the Paradise adventure?

A : About whether anyone in history has ever rejected the Paradise adventure? That’s a hard one to speculate upon. It doesn’t seem very likely that anyone would willingly choose not to participate but TUB does say that the choice not to survive can be made during this life so I expect that some actually have made and do continue to make that choice. If no soul growth has occurred during a life there’s nothing to pass on to the mansion worlds.

Q: Would it be ok for me to write a fantasy-like story about God and what I gathered from The Urantia Book concerning him and his divine plan so that I can draw people toward the book and its teachings?

A: Is it all right to write a story about God and what you gather from your study of The Urantia Book? Absolutely. That’s one of the primary reasons for having this kind of expanded understanding, so that we can pass it through our own consciousness and help others see things in a new light. It’s not even necessary to say “This is what I’ve got from The Urantia Book” any more than it’s necessary to say “This is what I learned in the third grade when we studied Luther Burbank.” All knowledge comes from outside sources, it’s just how we connect the dots and put ideas together that makes them seem new. However if someone asks where your ideas come from then you’d want to acknowledge that they’re from your study of the book so they can investigate for themselves.

Date published:
Author: Staff