For over 20 years, visitors to have submitted questions and our dedicated staff has tried their best to answer those FAQs. We have compiled the most Frequently Asked Questions here and sorted them by the topics of most interest as chosen by our readers.
- The Jesus topics includes details from the most complete life of Jesus ever published in Part IV of The Urantia Book
- The next folder from left, covers life’s challenges and curiosities. Questions people have as they wonder about their lives and how the book may help them to find answers.
- The third folder from left can help awaken you to views about Satan and the after death experience. You may not know, for example, that Hell does not exist in The Urantia Book?
- In the middle is The Urantia Book and answers may help you understand some of the core tenets written about in the four parts of The Urantia Book.
- The fifth section full of Q&A, introduces you to God. What happens after death? Visions of what heaven is like and exploration of the mansion worlds and so much more. Many important questions reader’s have about God in their lives are also explored here.
- The story of the first humans is quite different than the one told in the Bible. The folder title is Adam & Eve, but there is much more to learn and understand about the beginnings of humanity covered here.
- The far right folder explores similarities and differences between The Urantia Book and The Bible. Many similar stories are told about many topics and some of the most popular are explored here.