Stage 1: Planetary Mortals
- Earth is the first step in our universe career
- The Heavenly Father is the good parent
- Our planet and solar system
- There is intelligent human life on other planets
- Seven stages of the ascending universe career
Stage 2: Sleeping Survivors
- The sleep of survival — The natural bridge between earth and heaven
- How long does it take to go from earth to the mansion worlds and how do we get there?
- What is heaven really like?
- Are all people resurrected?
Stage 3: Mansion World Students
- Our resurrection and new lives on the mansion worlds and system capital
Stage 4: Morontia Progressors
- What are angels?
- Is there a hell?
- What are we like immediately after resurrection?
Stage 4 continued: Our Travels and Life in the Constellation
Stage 4 continued: Our Life on the Capital Worlds of the Local Universe of Nebadon
- We have reached the headquarters of Jesus
- Our graduation to the capital of Nebadon, the spiritual world of Saivington
- Who is Jesus and why did he come to earth?
- Twenty facts about life after death
Stage 5: Superuniverse Wards
- The minor sector of Ensa
Stage 5 continued: Life on the Major Sector Capital Worlds
- Is there evil and suffering on the heavenly worlds?
Stage 5 continued: Our Superuniverse Capital of Orvonton, Our Last Stop before Havona
- A chart of the superuniverses
- A conceptual view of the master universe
- The ascension career
Stage 6: Havona Pilgrims
- One billion worlds, billions of opportunities
- From Havona, we periodically visit Paradise
- How large is the master universe?
Stage : Paradise Arrivals
- We have reached home at last
Post Paradise Experience
- After reaching Paradise, a new adventure awaits us
- Will we be sent to create and administer new worlds in the outer space levels?