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A 21st Century Understanding of God

If you’re one of those spiritually hungry souls seeking to find a God that is compatible with 21 century thinking, Truthbook is the right place to learn more. The Urantia Book offers you a grand and dynamic understanding of the Creator of the Universe. Its teachings are modern, understandable, believable, and completely compatible with science. Its teachings about God take you from a God of fear or obscurity to the loving Father of all humankind that you can personally experience. These teachings will set you free to discover a divine Father that actually and literally dwells with you. There are 5 Urantia Book Papers that explain this concept. Click here.

God Questions

Where did God come from?

It is difficult to wrap our minds around this concept of the eternal and infinite God, but The Urantia Book helps a great deal. God is indeed mysterious, but much about him can be comprehended by human beings…Read more

How do I discover God’s purpose for my life?

The Urantia Book offers us a wealth of information about God’s purpose for our mortal lives – in time and in eternity. Individually, we can use our freewill choices and craft our lives in our own unique way in order to fulfill this divine purpose…Read more

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