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The Bible tells of wise men
Who came from the east afar,
To visit a babe in Bethlehem
Born underneath His very own star.

They found Him in a manger
Wrapped warmly in swaddling clothes,
And bestowed their gifts upon Him
The very best each man had chose.

Now this story happened long ago,
And some call it a fairy tale today
But those who are wise STILL seek Him;
They’re the wise men of today.

These offer up their gifts to Him
That are found in different form,
The gift we bring Him at this time
Is a heart that’s been re-born.

You may think this is silly.
You might not heed the rhyme.
But soon the wise men will see Him
The unwise will be out of time.

You see, God commended His love toward us
In that He sent His beloved son
Who never sinned at any time
Yet was rejected, scorned and shunned.

So remember this and teach your child
No sin on them is laid
The sacrifice He made from love
With their love is now repaid


Read more about the visitation of the wise men

The Three Wise Men by Henry Coller