Q: Don’t you find this path of the truth (the full truth) a bit lonely?


{Full question}Don’t you find this path of the truth (the full truth) a bit lonely? I remember the day I stumbled upon The Urantia Book, I was out of my mind hungry for the truth, I was like a 7 year-old in a sweet shop, grabbing franticly to get it all in at once, sweets in the mouth, pockets, palms and even pinching some under the arms, with a huge smile on the face, pure bliss. But the down side is, you can’t share this pure bliss with anyone and everyone. To me this is very sad. How do you feel about this and does The Urantia Book say something similar?

I have to say, your description of finding The Urantia Book was really lovely…you have a talent with words!

The longer I spend with this book, the more I see how difficult it can be to share its truths in any big way. When I first found it, I felt just like you…so excited to have found this treasure chest of truth. I was so thirsty for it, and when I found it, I was like a soul who had been in the desert for years being given a drink of cool water. It was heavenly bliss that I had never known!

Of course, I went to my nearest and dearest family and friends with it, but I was shocked when virtually NO NONE was interested…only one friend was half-heartedly interested. That person has since began to read again, however.

I have come to believe that as stunning as the book is, with all of its amazing revelation about heaven, about cosmology, about earth’s real history—the most important part of the book is its revelation of the life of Jesus and his saving message. It is this that I have become more concentrated on in recent years, and I find it really fun to talk with truthseekers when I can. Once you have established a common ground, it becomes easier to add a little extra truth here and there.

We who have been given this book are pioneers. We are called to be a part of the birth of a new age of religion on this world—the real religion of Jesus, and the true gospel of the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. And it is an uphill climb because the world misunderstands Jesus terribly. The world fears God—many even deny him. They haven’t gotten the message yet that God is a personal being who can be know and loved. The remnants of the Lucifer rebellion are still active and the world is still waking up from our nightmare of selfishness and materialism. But we are mandated to actually live a religion of the spirit and maintain a child-like trust in heavenly Father as we go about our lives, so that we can be examples of what we’ve learned and worthy ambassadors of the kingdom.

It might make you feel better to know that more people than ever are reading The Urantia Book. There are tens of thousands of downloads of the book from online sites these days, and so people ARE getting the book. But it will take awhile before its truths really begin to seep in to the consciousness of our civilizations. Meanwhile we have to possess ourselves in patience and share when we get the chance. And most importantly, live as we believe. So, yes. I understand your loneliness. I feel it, too sometimes. It is hard to know what we know, and also to know that this information will help heal the world someday. If only…

But, we have to remember that we are never alone, really:

117:6.27 But no God-knowing mortal can ever be lonely in his journey through the cosmos, for he knows that the Father walks beside him each step of the way, while the very way that he is traversing is the presence of the Supreme.

So, stay close to God, ask him for opportunities, and keep on keepin’ on in the work of the kingdom. And—write again any time! Especially when you feel lonely on your path…

AND—I thought this would be good for both of us to read now and then…so inspiring! Instructions for Teachers and Believers”

:: Date published: 2014-03-20 16:16:38.77
:: Author: Truthbook Staff